Wheree to grow...

So i have 50 autos all need to be planted. Im gonna let them veg for a month in 1.5g airpots, then transplant outside. My problem is i have no where to get em started under lights inside. I have too much invested in everything not to let them veg for a little while in a controlled environment, so i need a good idea where to start these. The only thing I could think of was rent out a climate controlled storage unit, one that gives me the only key, and set it up there and pray no one gets suspicious enough to check it out within the month. the main things id be worried about would be smell, and that ill need atleast a 7' by 4' space.,. I'm on a budget so i cant sign a six month lease n rent an apartment out either. So any ideas from anybody whos been in a similar situation would be Greatt... also curious how tall a plant should get before it needs to be transplanted out of a 1.5 gal container