Where you at rep wise?


Well-Known Member
the other day someone jacked some rep from me!i was mad as fuck i beat the shit out of my dick! I Got more rep tho cuz thats how players roll. On some real shit has anyone ever bit into a dorito and cut the inside of their mouth. Happened. 40 minutes ago now i got a little flap of gum hanging in my mouth.

In a couple days, all feeling will be gone in that flap (if it isn't already) then, you can chew it like gum. I generally leave ripping my mouth to hell to Cap'n Crunch (with chocolate syrup and vanilla almond milk) or cinnamon toast crunch.

And, I think I got a bad touch slap. My rep was more than a couple points higher last week...


Staff member
Even fab wasn't allowed his old account back. Potpimp you should know bettrr than to put this out in public fourm eitger make a post in staff or pm pr


New Member
We have ALL done bad things, things we regret and none of us have lived perfect lives. RIU has let "Fab" come back incarnated as half a dozen aliases and he has fucked up predictably every time. We have let other trolls of renown back but there seems to be no second chance for Brassinosteroid, even though he has shown humility, kindness, and heart felt apologies. Personally I think it is because of a personal agenda conflict - and that is just wrong. I *know* this guy personally; he's a friend and he's a great guy. He is also an amazing grower and has contributed greatly to this forum. His earlier apologies were kicked back in his face by self righteous, self important people bent on using their "power" to keep him out. yet he still showed grace.

Let me just put a point on this short and sweet: if he is not allowed his full status back here, then you can count me OUT, and that means I will not be back ever. This is not an idle threat; I am sticking up for a friend that I KNOW is a good guy. He was dumped unceremoniously in the middle of the Alaskan winter by the woman he had loved for years. He went on a temporary drinking binge and made some stupid mistakes and he PAID for them. Anybody that can't forgive this man can kiss my ass; you don't deserve to be my friend. I'm asking you all to let it go; let the past be the past. Otherwise karma will be a bitch to you; you can count on it. I've been on this forum for over 6 years; if I did not feel so strong about this I would not risk throwing it away. I really love you guys; you're like family to me so I hope you do the right thing.

Straighten me out if I'm mistaken.Whats the big deal if he doesn't get his old acct. back? He is on here now,so thats not good enough?
We lost a few key personalities right around the time Brasss/Kron was dishing out his shit.So,some good folks got run off and you two are mad b/c he can't use his old account?
If he is sorry I'd think he'd want to distance himself from his old self,lol.
Now you will be the next personalty gone and for what? What a waste all the way around


Sector 5 Moderator
No, there is some confusion about that. I know he can't get his old account back and that isn't the issue. The issue is him being able to come back with a new account and be treated as a human being. I don't see this as a policy issue but a personal one. Sorry if I gave everyone the impression I was fighting for him to get his old account revived.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
We have ALL done bad things, things we regret and none of us have lived perfect lives. RIU has let "Fab" come back incarnated as half a dozen aliases and he has fucked up predictably every time. We have let other trolls of renown back but there seems to be no second chance for Brassinosteroid, even though he has shown humility, kindness, and heart felt apologies. Personally I think it is because of a personal agenda conflict - and that is just wrong. I *know* this guy personally; he's a friend and he's a great guy. He is also an amazing grower and has contributed greatly to this forum. His earlier apologies were kicked back in his face by self righteous, self important people bent on using their "power" to keep him out. yet he still showed grace.

Let me just put a point on this short and sweet: if he is not allowed his full status back here, then you can count me OUT, and that means I will not be back ever. This is not an idle threat; I am sticking up for a friend that I KNOW is a good guy. He was dumped unceremoniously in the middle of the Alaskan winter by the woman he had loved for years. He went on a temporary drinking binge and made some stupid mistakes and he PAID for them. Anybody that can't forgive this man can kiss my ass; you don't deserve to be my friend. I'm asking you all to let it go; let the past be the past. Otherwise karma will be a bitch to you; you can count on it. I've been on this forum for over 6 years; if I did not feel so strong about this I would not risk throwing it away. I really love you guys; you're like family to me so I hope you do the right thing.
it's a bit foolish to think this way. imo. You do the crime you do the time. He doesn't need his old acct. to be a contributor here. If he want's to be part of the family he is more than welcome to join back and start contributing under his new name and I agree with slowbus. IF he truly were contrite he would distance himself from his old screename and start an entirely new persona.

I do feel for a guy in the situation you described but it is no excuse for some of the things he did.

I too liked some of the posts he made way back when. SOME of them.

I wish you well whatever choice you make PP. You are a pretty cool guy.


New Member
it's a bit foolish to think this way. imo. You do the crime you do the time. He doesn't need his old acct. to be a contributor here. If he want's to be part of the family he is more than welcome to join back and start contributing under his new name and I agree with slowbus. IF he truly were contrite he would distance himself from his old screename and start an entirely new persona.

I do feel for a guy in the situation you described but it is no excuse for some of the things he did.

I too liked some of the posts he made way back when. SOME of them.

I wish you well whatever choice you make PP. You are a pretty cool guy.


  • [h=2]
    No, there is some confusion about that. I know he can't get his old account back and that isn't the issue. The issue is him being able to come back with a new account and be treated as a human being. I don't see this as a policy issue but a personal one. Sorry if I gave everyone the impression I was fighting for him to get his old account revived.​



Active Member
It is what it is.. I'm glad to be back. I suppose the way I see it, if I'm allowed back on the team, why can't I get my old jersey and number back? :)

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member

  • No, there is some confusion about that. I know he can't get his old account back and that isn't the issue. The issue is him being able to come back with a new account and be treated as a human being. I don't see this as a policy issue but a personal one. Sorry if I gave everyone the impression I was fighting for him to get his old account revived.​

I know what you were saying and I agree with you

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
It is what it is.. I'm glad to be back. I suppose the way I see it, if I'm allowed back on the team, why can't I get my old jersey and number back? :)
oh wtf man? get over it. it's not gonna happen. everrrrrrrrrr

start fresh. Nothing like a new start eh?

or focus on the past and enjoy a short second stay here.

your choice.


Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to sunni again.

Poop! Thank you, Momma. I hope you are doing well!!! I'll be catching up for a while.