Where you at rep wise?


Well-Known Member
What movie had a mask like your avi?

Somebody already answered it but -- it's a stylized Guy Fawkes mask. "The only man to enter parliament with honest intentions." He was part of the "gunpowder treason" on Nov. the 5th. A "freedom fighter"/terrorist. His likeness has been used as a mask to give anonymity to troublemakers. It was featured in the movie V for Vendetta, and has been used by the anonymous movement that started on /b/


Well-Known Member
Somebody already answered it but -- it's a stylized Guy Fawkes mask. "The only man to enter parliament with honest intentions." He was part of the "gunpowder treason" on Nov. the 5th. A "freedom fighter"/terrorist. His likeness has been used as a mask to give anonymity to troublemakers. It was featured in the movie V for Vendetta, and has been used by the anonymous movement that started on /b/
You're not supposed to talk about /b/;-)


Well-Known Member
I meant bold! Honestly, I did.

I forgot to mention, Guy Fawkes was actually a Catholic soldier/spy, and was a douchebag. The "revolution" he tried to start was meant to disrupt the elected government along with the Church of England; the end result would have been reinstatement of Catholic rule, and The Church had a an ax to grind that that made lady guillotine (of French Revolution infamy) look like a civilized tool of discourse.


Well-Known Member
I meant bold! Honestly, I did.

I forgot to mention, Guy Fawkes was actually a Catholic soldier/spy, and was a douchebag. The "revolution" he tried to start was meant to disrupt the elected government along with the Church of England; the end result would have been reinstatement of Catholic rule, and The Church had a an ax to grind that that made lady guillotine (of French Revolution infamy) look like a civilized tool of discourse.
I hope your english, because i am and don't know near as much as you do on this. :) pretty interesting


Well-Known Member
Nope, one side of my family's from N. Ireland, uncle was in Her Majesty's Maze back in the early 80's. Other side's First Nation.

I just wind up with a lot of free time, I get bored REALLY easy, kinda' a personality disorder thing ... Anyway, I have to constructively fill that time, or I do really dangerous shit. So, I "take my meds" and it allows me to just veg and read when I have that free time.


Well-Known Member
LoL, I don't remembering rep'ing ya' 2time, but I got the same thing: You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to The2TimEr again.


Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to kinetic again.

Hmmm, I musta' been drinking, I rep'd the shit outta this thread.