Where were you on 9/11


Well-Known Member
If there is one day we will all remember its 9/11/2001. I was in 5th grade, and i remember getting home from school to my mom crying and freaking out. I was to young to really understand what happened, but my mom was from Queens and had some friends with FDNY.
Drive thru at bank when first plane hit, by the time I got home it had developed in to a whole thing.

While on the subject of where were you, I was eating lunch in the cafeteria in HS when the Challenger space shuttle blew up and I think I was pooping in my diaper when we landed on the moon.
Drive thru at bank when first plane hit, by the time I got home it had developed in to a whole thing.

While on the subject of where were you, I was eating lunch in the cafeteria in HS when the Challenger space shuttle blew up and I think I was pooping in my diaper when we landed on the moon.

Im gunna have to check your alibi. Im convinced you blew up the challenger
I was in tenth grade between classes. The dumbest girl in the school got a call from her mom that terrorists crashed a plane into the wtc. I thought you dumb bitch, it wasn't a plane, it was a car bomb and that was almost ten years ago why you bringing this up now? Then the teacher turned on the tv and it developed into a whole thing. I guess its hard to beleive that kind of stuff without seeing it.
I also remember my brother getting all excited at dinner telling my mom "i saw a plane crash into a building on tv".... Then more crying from my mom. News on nonstop for the next week. I still have a copy of a NY post from 9/13.
Just getting to work. My old Nam vet cobuddy was yelling at me the story. I was having baby mama drama that week too. I remember saying "Wait wtf are you complaining about"

Then it all sank in. It was surreal
I was in 5th grade. All the adults were crying. They sent us home early. Mom was at home watching news crying. I had no idea what happened until that night when my dad explained it.
Flew to Indiana on 9/10 to go to court on 9/11 to get my DIVORCE!! Was getting dressed for court when first plane hit so court was canceled and I couldn't fly back for 5 days, work wasn't happy but what could I do.. Only had a change of clothes to wear to court cuz I was flying back right after court..
Sitting at my desk getting ready to daytrade. It was my job. And I always watched good morning America. I remember hearing the markets were halted. I even watched live as it was broadcasted behind the reporter, the second tower in the back ground when the second tower was hit. I saw that live. I was like oh shit. Things were going down. You could see little blips jumping out of windows. They were people burning and jumping out of windows to be crushed by the concrete. I just had this really bad feeling in me. I was about to lose 10s of thousands. Yet, people were dieing. 1000s. I will never forget that. Or those images. And now matter how tough life gets for me. I am reminded that others have it much worse. God Bless everyone world wide.
Because childhood is a crime. Imagine what its like to be 11 and every time you see a plane it was headed for a building.

Or knowing that the city you visit for every holiday and where most of your family lives was attacked.... At the age of 11 that's some deep shit

All I was saying is you're starting a thread about a serious incident that happened when you were 11. Deep for an 11 year old is Americas got talent.

Not as bad as when you're older. When you're 11 you're not old enough to fully fathom what was happening and you don't really grasp mortality until around 15 they say. Fucked up? Yes. Acting like you were a big part of it at age 11? Prob not.

I'm from NY. Family is from Brooklyn. Cousin died in tower 2. I was 21- lots of friends from college had brothers and sisters die there.

Not taking anything away from you, just saying you were 11- hard to fully grasp something like that until you're a tit bit older.

Sorry for your fear of flying though, that sucks.
i was in 2nd grade i remember the teacher turned on the tv and saw we ppl jumping out the windows and buildings on fire,none of us thought it was real,but i remember adults crying and being picked up from school early, my mom was hysterical. to this day i just hate iraqis if it was a "secret job" it was a success,they like started a generation to hate middle-easterners, great to start a war.