Where to Purchase Salvia


Oracle of Hallucinogens
How many times do You guys usually get high from a gram?

How long does a gram usally last You too?

Sour Diesel, Light of Jah, and White Widow took me about 6-8 days (depending how high I wanted to get) to go through a gram.. not saying I couldn't have thrown a gram in a bong and smoked it all in a few hits, but to catch a buzz, 6-8 days.

We Love 1

New Member
Sorry, I meant a gram of Salvia.

I'm not sure how often people like to smoke it. Apparently the high only lasts for 20 mins and it takes ~1/10th of a gram to get high. So thats about 10 trips per gram.

I'm just wondering how often people like to smoke it? Is it something that You want to do right after You come down from the trip or would You want to wait until the next day. (I'm sure it depends on the individual though.)



Oracle of Hallucinogens
Sorry, I meant a gram of Salvia.

I'm not sure how often people like to smoke it. Apparently the high only lasts for 20 mins and it takes ~1/10th of a gram to get high. So thats about 10 trips per gram.

I'm just wondering how often people like to smoke it? Is it something that You want to do right after You come down from the trip or would You want to wait until the next day. (I'm sure it depends on the individual though.)

Dude.. I am a douchebag, I didn't realize I was in the salvia thread. Sorry about that.

Good 20x, with a steam roller or like device will get you fucked up 15+ times off of a gram assuming you use proper technique with your lighter and hold your hits.

Sampson jr III

Active Member
salvia sucks ass!....seriously, its only good to give to your friends and watch them tweak.....ive done it like 5 times and the last time i did it i did a bunch (the extract) and i held my hit in for like 30 seconds....as soon as i blew out the smoke i looked down and saw a bowl in my hand and asked my woman "did i just smoke something????" .....i seriously had no idea., i was fucked up. after that a proceded in freaking the F**K out for like 20 minutes....seriously.......it was not fun.... the other times before that it still wasnt that fun.....i feel like it really clouds your brain.

if you still want to do it be prepared......its not like MJ....at all..........prepare yourself by being relaxed. its not a party drug...its a spiritual thing.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
no shit it isn't like marijuana, if it were who the fuck would smoke salvia? It costs more than weed, and only lasts 30 min to an hour.

It can take you away, really far away. The trips can be extremely intense, either very enjoyable or terrifying. It's worth a try personally.

Sampson jr III

Active Member
no shit it isn't like marijuana, if it were who the fuck would smoke salvia? It costs more than weed, and only lasts 30 min to an hour.

It can take you away, really far away. The trips can be extremely intense, either very enjoyable or terrifying. It's worth a try personally.
no need to be rude... what i meant by "its not like MJ" is basically get ready....it is intense when you have the good extract, and its more like tripping than getting blazed.

and you are wrong for the most part about the duration....most salvia last for 10-20 minutes.....not an hour.
although you can get salvia that last for literally like 8 hours... my local headshop has acess to it because the ppl that grow it make the stuff that last that long.

also. regaurding purchasing it....make sure your buying the extract (its usually black and flakey) not just the salvia herbage......the straight herb won't knock your socks off.:peace::leaf:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
no need to be rude... what i meant by "its not like MJ" is basically get ready....it is intense when you have the good extract, and its more like tripping than getting blazed.

and you are wrong for the most part about the duration....most salvia last for 10-20 minutes.....not an hour.
although you can get salvia that last for literally like 8 hours... my local headshop has acess to it because the ppl that grow it make the stuff that last that long.

also. regaurding purchasing it....make sure your buying the extract (its usually black and flakey) not just the salvia herbage......the straight herb won't knock your socks off.:peace::leaf:
Hm.. I said the duration was 30 minutes to an hour, (lemme hop over to erowid.. okay.. search.. salvia.. effetcs)
Total Duration:20 - 45 mins

So you're wrong.

Eights hours of salvia.. that would require some kind of time release salvia, which I have never heard of... And salvia has Reverse Sensitization (a.k.a Reverse Tolerance) the more frequent you use it, the less dosage you need. So an eight hour salvia (which would require 8-12 time releases) would blow you away so far that I am calling bullshit.

If you wanted to give me a cutting or raw foliage, I could make an extract also.. so it's nothing special. But I wouldn't lace it with research chems to make it last 8 hours.


Well-Known Member
well. as i said earlier i bought some from Salviapro, i had called the guy liek someone said earlier in the post, but anyway i got and extra 1/2 gram of 40x

i never done it so tried the 20x first ( in a bong, with a torch, and held it) i got fucked up, just couldnt stop laughing, it was pretty intense, i can't really remmber

i then tried the 30x, and started tripping hard...I had "truckin" playing and i guess it was in the middle of a jam, and i thought i was at a carnival and thoguht i was on a ride or something...

I have mixed feelings about it though, cause all i know is both times i was saying "i want to leave" "get me outta here", and thinking i was with soemone, only to come to and find out i was by myself, but i was laughing the whoel time, so i'd have to say it was fun

All in all its pretty cool, im not smoking MJ right now and have wanted to try it so thats why i bought it. I think next time i will just smoke a little so i won't trip as hard, but it def gives you a nice calming, euphoric feeling afterwards,( which i have now), thats what ill be aiming for next time.

Its funny my stepmom came home and I was like "hey i'm tripping, you wanna try this?" (she smokes pot and figured she might want to) and she kinda freaked out because im on probation and thought it would show up on my tests. She kept sayign shit liek "do you have an appointment this week" and i had no idea what she was talking about i was like "a doctors appointment?" and then she was like "is it going to show up on your tests" and i was like "im not in school, what tests?" HAHA i guess when i was on it , it made me forget all my troubles... which is pretty cool if you think about it.

so its a nice thing to try, probably wouldnt do it multiple times a day, probably not even once every day...maybe if i get the dose right where i wouldnt trip so hard...

We Love 1

New Member
InTheBasement, I looked for Salviapro. com and couldn't find it.

How much did You pay for each of Your bags? I might pick it up from the same place if its cheaper with the 1/2 of gram added in.

Thanks for telling Us about Your trip, I love reading about people tripping on this stuff. I can't wait to try it for Myself so I can talk about it too.



Sampson jr III

Active Member
Hm.. I said the duration was 30 minutes to an hour, (lemme hop over to erowid.. okay.. search.. salvia.. effetcs)
Total Duration:20 - 45 mins

So you're wrong.

Eights hours of salvia.. that would require some kind of time release salvia, which I have never heard of... And salvia has Reverse Sensitization (a.k.a Reverse Tolerance) the more frequent you use it, the less dosage you need. So an eight hour salvia (which would require 8-12 time releases) would blow you away so far that I am calling bullshit.

If you wanted to give me a cutting or raw foliage, I could make an extract also.. so it's nothing special. But I wouldn't lace it with research chems to make it last 8 hours.

screw erowid....have you done it yourself? all im sayin is that anyone that ive ever watched do it(many times) and every time ive done it myself it only lasts for 20 minutes and then you just feel out of it for a little while after....unless theyre including the crappy feeling afterward then i guess its right...and regaurding the 8 hour trip salvia, i think its some sort of tea they make, im just telling you what the hippie at the headshop told me. i dont think he would make things up tho, and i sure as hell wouldnt make things up on the inter nets for no reason....exept for everything i say ;)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
screw erowid....have you done it yourself? all im sayin is that anyone that ive ever watched do it(many times) and every time ive done it myself it only lasts for 20 minutes and then you just feel out of it for a little while after....unless theyre including the crappy feeling afterward then i guess its right...and regaurding the 8 hour trip salvia, i think its some sort of tea they make, im just telling you what the hippie at the headshop told me. i dont think he would make things up tho, and i sure as hell wouldnt make things up on the inter nets for no reason....exept for everything i say ;)
Have I done it? Yeah like 30 something times, and you? I've had trips last an hour full tripping from start to finish it was 58 minutes. I'm not saying your facts are wrong, I'm saying that guy at the head shop's are.

We Love 1

New Member
I called like 20 headshop stores today in My area and the best I got was someone said "call me back in 2 weeks and I might have some."

So online it is.



Oracle of Hallucinogens
I called like 20 stores today in My area and the best I got was someone said "call me back in 2 weeks and I might have some."

So online it is.

lol I've had quite a few friends get salvia from them, never a complaint. Most of the other online places are much more inferior.