Where To Get Good Soil To Plant Outdoor?!?!

where can i get soil that is ph 6.0-7.0 what type of soil could i use? im in chicago i need something that i could possibly get from a local store and not of the internet.

aslo how to start my seeds off should i spray them over a paper towel then put them in a plastic bag or should i just go old school and put them in the dirt?


Well-Known Member
Idk about your soil situation but I will share with you a method of germinating that I have had a 100% success rate with where as I tried the paper towel method and failed horribly. my method is easy as hell too haha check it. get a shot glass or any small glass of water, make sure its bottled water. drop the seed in the water. set the glass with the water and seed on top of a house hold appliance that is always warm. such as cable box or what not. then put a larger cup upside down over the shot glass with seed in it to block out sun. check in about 12-16 hours. seed should be sinking at this point which means it has taken in water. once this has happened just drop it in your soil and water the soil. easy as pie.


Well-Known Member
dont be a dick. and yes. fox farm is good as long as you get the mixed stuff. just dont get the red bag haha i think the one you want is either green or blue

anthony carratura

Active Member
.use 16 oz plastic dixie cups. get the fox farm warrior to start seedlings.The cup of water is best to germinate as stated above.transplant in to fox farm ocean forest when it out grows the cup, After 3 weeks in ffof start feeding.You can feed seedling worm casting tea at first but if your new to growing i would avoid anything else except like kelp, backstrap molasses,superthrive ect untill the plant gets strong.just my 2 cent good luck
thanks anthony yeah im new to all this shit..soo should i go with the fox farm warrior or the one with the fish on the bag?


New Member
the shot glass has 90-95 percent success rate where paper towel is way less
u want organic soil fox farm is good as others have said


New Member
not looking for a debate but i would use something bettet then MG if u can afford it if not try shultze ferts in liquid form

when im feeding the plant in other words Plant Nutrient (Fertilizer)? instead of worm tea can i use mircle gro (tomato)


Well-Known Member
Yes you can....

Also, Lowe's is running a deal right now..... 1CF bags of Miracle Grow Garden Soil , 4 for $10. That is half off. It has food included and it is meant to amend your local soil... I'd use one bag per plant. I was able to get 10 bags into my yard cart. the ad below says online only, but trust me, My local Lowes has em, pallets of them, in the loading area. The local ad has them in it to.

when im feeding the plant in other words Plant Nutrient (Fertilizer)? instead of worm tea can i use mircle gro (tomato)


Well-Known Member
I would not purchase FF potting soil for an outdoor grow. The price is too expensive for what you can get to amend existing soil.


Active Member
Yea i suggest making your own soil for outdoors. It takes a little more doing but you can make a lot better mix. The ocean forest shit is amazing for indoor but you will probably need to renew the nutrients sometime through the season. My soil mix is peat moss, available at lowes, worm castings, also available at lowes, and bat guano which may or may not be at lowes. Very nutritious and all organic.

Research research research. Dont do anything that someone tells you without knowing WHY your doing it.