where to get a duck?


Well-Known Member
i own my girl friend too... shes MY BITCH..

about your jellyfish question, go to the ocean you might find one there


Active Member
I buy chickens from farms outside the city(usa), and they have ducks and such for sale. Do a search of farms in the area and see if they are open to the public. You can get all kinds of organic goodies from local farms.


Well-Known Member
When i was a teen i got drunk at the local county show and woke up with a duck in my bedroom and a receipt for £3.50.

I let it live in my bathroom for a couple of weeks but the thing stank. So i gave it my mate with a big pond and other ducks in exchange for a cat...

But yeah find a local farmers market or something lol


Well-Known Member
wow 2 posts and you critisize this guy for wanting a duck and calling him a idiot lol bad voo if you ask me
I used to live by a small lake and idiots used to come each and every year with fishing nets trying to 'get' ducklings because they thought it was funny. So my criticism was at his method not his desire- and since when does number of posts equate to 'allowed content'?