where to find a fan?


Well-Known Member

That was funny as hell. I'm just tryin to help people out make a kick ass room and I happened to know about those nice fans from Newegg.com when I used to make computers and they'd be perfect for grow rooms. as far as exhaust and fresh air intake go.



Well-Known Member
thank you all for your suggestions. i got a fan like this one (had to put a plug on it) and put it on a 30/30 min timer. now all i really need is a water drip that i can put on a timer... anyone know where i can find one?


Well-Known Member
I picked my stuff up at Home Depot. 1/4" irrigating line and a kit that had spikes and drippers. Then I rigged up a $40 pump to a hose distributor. The $40 hose is noisy and my hydro had a $20 pump that works just as well but I didn't know that. Then I used industrial $11 timers from wal-mart.


Well-Known Member
No point in spending alot of cash on flashy LED fans, find a cheap 1 possibly used like mogie said.. Then you got some extra cash to invest in a better lighting system or better nutes ect or even just buy a bag of dope.. a flashy room won't grow you better quality dro.. it will just be a waste of money more heatbaggggg.. :joint:


Well-Known Member
yeah, i'm trying to keep all of my expenses to min. i'm not using any fancy seed my first time through so i have very little pressure on myself to produce somethine spectacular (setting my expectations low so i don't dissapoint myself). i need to find my digital camera and post some pics of my growing box. really the only thing i need is a water drip system and proper lighting for blooming (hps light, ballast and fixture). 420, how many plants are you feeding on that system? i'm a little affraid of overwatering my babys on a water drip, so right now i'm hand watering with a spray bottle.