Where to buy a sherlock bubbler online?


Well-Known Member
I'm looking to buy a sherlock bubbler. Anyone know of any US shops that sell locally blown glass online? I don't want any Chinese glass; I'd rather support USA artists.

Also, anyone dealt with www.the1darkside.com?


Well-Known Member
I went ahead and took the risk with the site I posted above. They seem legit. They are a real store in CA, list their phone number and use Paypal. (Makes it easy to dispute and they never see your CC#)

I'll let you know how it goes.


bud bootlegger
nice link. i liked some of the nug jars that they have too.. not bad for like eleven or twelve bucks i think it was.. nice. i hope you like your sherlock..


Well-Known Member
For those of you wondering The Darkside delivered. I got my Sherlock today and it was exactly as advertised. It's thick too, I could drop it and I doubt it'd break. Only costed $45 too. It's my new backup for when my lungs are too cashed to hit my original Jerome Baker bong, lol.


