Where to buy a hydro set up..


Well-Known Member
So i dont know much about growing {hydro} but im looking to get a system and start learning i grow under some 250wt hps right now..but im looking to get a set up is it easier to make one..or buyin one..b.c my friend has a set up he made...and its not nice..i want something clean and has good amount of room b.c he kinda fucked his up pretty good..i mean it works...



Well-Known Member
Just custom build a system to fit your specific needs (number of plants, yield, space, etc.). All the principles are the same, but the options are limitless. You can overspend on many systems and still not have what you need/want.


Well-Known Member
I built mine myself and was under $50 and this one is one a SMALL scale model. It hold for plants and i use it to hold my mothers for cloning off of. I have another one that hold 6-8 plants in a SoG method and its used in my flower room.

Here is a few pics of my set-up


- Styl!st