Where to buy a HPS socket?

Brick Squad

Active Member
This should probably go into the newbie section so i apologize but i felt
it fit in here decently.

Are sockets for HPS light the same as a regular light?
if not where would you get them?
sorry if this is a super amateur question

Brick Squad

Active Member
you do know you need a ballast to run a HPS light
I did not but thank you for helping me out on that one,
would you suggest i get Flouros instead then i dont think
they need a ballast/hope not lol.
also how many watts of flouro do you think are needed
per plant? (the only reason im asking about HPS is because found deal on craigslist)


Well-Known Member
yeah your gonna need more than just a socket. the ballast is the most expensive part. try htgsupply.com thats where i buy my stuff they might have it. and to answer your cfl question your gonna need at least 60 watts per plant in veg and probably around 100 in flower

Brick Squad

Active Member
Ah thank you,
is there a specific CFL you buy or do you just run up on Home Depot and grab whatever the hell they got?
no hydro stores around here so.


Well-Known Member
watch the flours they can be high on entergy bill. i was running 15 of them entergy saver and my bill was 100 dollars more i change to a hps and my billdroped 80 dollars so to run a 400w hps here is 20 to 24 dollars.


Well-Known Member
Brick squad- In case you dont know.... Tea Tree explained to me, "For the RF shielding to work and you need that with digital you need a complete shielded cord. You have to take out their socket and put in one you buy from a hydro store with cord and socket attached that has lumatek compatible plugs. They are not not normal hardware store design. I dont know how easy it is to get their socket out. good luck. Check out bghydro, they are good." So basically if you have the wrong cord (no RF shielding) when running a HPS bulb you can get interference with your computer, phones, radio or other stuff. I made the mistake of buying a cool tube that didn't have the wiring I needed. So I basically had to re-buy a socket set. I hope this helps. Good luck!


Active Member
i found these 600watt hps ballast online idk if they can be hooked up so you can use them but heres the link

i was thinking some electrician around here could help me and help some other this could save us all alot of money if it works because i have a 400watt general eletric ballast i got from the streets rewired it then wired it to the ballast and im runninf a 250watt hps now
