Where to begin........

Worked tits in coco dtw i think thats about the time i retired from coco and went into water culture

cause i remember i think trying a run with pure blend in dwc and it turning to shit (probably just me) so i went to the cns 17 line . And back and forth with gh trio and botanicare

since the trio worked better for water culture even though the taste was better with the pureblend i went to the trio (didnt taste bad just not as good as the pb did)
Went that way for a couple years

Then i got bit by advanced nutes for nearly 7 years but i mainly just ran their base no additives :)
Had a small stint with canna coco

Never tried the ionic . Though but now im fully conveted to the dry nutes at least for now
Which advanced base did you run in water culture and what is your opinion of it?
How were application rates?
Curing aside if all other parameters are the SAME in a blind taste test :)

I can all but guarantee 8 out of 10 will choose the flushed bud.

OF course a shitty dry and cure will make shitty hey smelling buds that burn like shit
Ok my run with advanced started around 7 years plus ago.

I went through a phase of everything had to be on point or i wasnt happy.. this usually hits most growers at year 1 to 5 haha

So i switched to advanced so i "wouldnt" have to worry about ph lol.. and they additives where just too cool lol
And got great results* for the whole time.
* for the growth part not flavor though

Except the last few grows but i thinks it might have been my nutes being old more then anything..but it threw my plants into a werid deficiency that stunted the plant and i could not shake it.

I cut the additives after the first year

Now ill fully admit to buying into the whole they use the best ingredients bs and its "tailored" for weed cause im always after quality...

...to to be fully honest i never cared for the taste that AN imparted. Like burnt soy sauce haha.
Especially if you didnt flush (unless you ran them REAL light lol) at least to me

But being older and cheaper now lol dumping loads of it sucked. And yes i have gone many grows with out doing change outs and just top ups.

But this is what turned me from bottle to dry nutes.
Constant freshness :)

I gave it any where from 2ml a liter to 4ml ler liter

But advanced runs on the hot side if you are using 4mls per liter lol.

I think i just got tired of them the price never botherd me too bad cause i only ran the base

Also advanced and mega crop(is just dry advanced lol)
have one thing that i hate and thats dark colored nutes.

My new nutes are almost crystal clear.

But proof will be in how everything finishes out to see if i like the new stuff .

So i far i like it a lot

And its different from what alot of people are running.

Im sure theres more that i can go on about
But i gota lot of seedlings to transplant tonight haha
There has been an unfortunate turn of events for me here at this locale and I had to chop down the entire garden . If and when I can get up and running again I will bring this thread back to life.

Happy Growing Everyone
There has been an unfortunate turn of events for me here at this locale and I had to chop down the entire garden . If and when I can get up and running again I will bring this thread back to life.

Happy Growing Everyone
fuckin' bummer dude,
hope you get it sorted out....:peace:
i spoke with Evil in an email yesterday , i dont have much info, but at least he is alive, and I too have one of his cob lights, and its going to grow me some good stuff until i die,, since i am 55 and only doing 1 grow per year now
Have him drop me a line?