Where The F#$@ did My Quote GO !@?!@?


Well-Known Member
any body else try to quote someone, just to see it pop up and go blank when you are trying to respond ?


Well-Known Member
SAME F!@#$IN THING WITH EDITING MY OWN POST !~!~!#@!@#!@#!@#!~~!@#!@#

just happend now, and i have to do a reply instead.
it happens 50% of the time !!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nope; why are so mad over something so silly?
like i said its 50/50, when your trying to respond to people and quote them its uber annoying, and i cant even edit my first post here ... i click edit and then it shows up .. then turns grey and dissapears, and even if you type a 100 words it says you message is to short. somthin is fucked up :dunce:


Well-Known Member
like i said its 50/50, when your trying to respond to people and quote them its uber annoying, and i cant even edit my first post here ... i click edit and then it shows up .. then turns grey and dissapears, and even if you type a 100 words it says you message is to short. somthin is fucked up :dunce:

its all you


Well-Known Member
especailly when quoting someone who posted a quote also ... and editing your own post that happens to have pictures in it :(


Well-Known Member
it cant be ... its happens to me on multiple machines using IE and firefox
I'm quoting you quoting the last post.

Looks like I can edit the post too. Not sure what's going on with it for you. It does seem find though. For me atleast.


Well-Known Member
you can highlite, copy and paste quotes into a regular post. Dont let the machine manipulate YOU, you manipulate the machine.


Junior Creatologist
especailly when quoting someone who posted a quote also ... and editing your own post that happens to have pictures in it :(

it could be that your using firefox...i personally fuckin hate that thing man, it does all kindsa wierd stupid shit to my pc that i dont want it to do, lol. But i aint sure if you said that your using firefox right now, so i cant say thats your problem.

As for your missing quote, if you gimme a second, ill try and find it, n give you a link to it, if you want ;)

lol...actually, maybe ill skip the link on this one, since i already gotcha earlier :D
