Where oh where?

Dank ...

Love her or hate her, Coulter does her homework:

Coulter's New Book Proves McCarthy Was Right

Written by Marv Essary
Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Ann Coulter's new book, ''Treason,'' and newly released Senate transcripts from the McCarthy years, prove that pro-Soviet communist sympathizers in the federal government tried to sabotage America. This article by Wes Vernon appeared on the NewsMax website, and is reprinted by permission.
NEWSMAX.COM - "Historians" have lied to Americans for decades about the threat from this nation’s enemies. Ann Coulter's new book, “Treason,” sums up the mountains of misinformation shoveled out to Americans for decades. Ideologues disguised as historians have consistently covered up treason with their ''No enemies on the left'' mentality, as Coulter clearly shows.
Much of her research is backed up in the five-volume release to the public, for the first time, of the closed-door hearings by the McCarthy Senate committee 50 years ago. They were made public last month after ''Treason'' had gone to the printer. Put the book and the hearings together, and you have the damning evidence.
''History'' tells us that Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, R-Wis., ''did not discover a single Communist anywhere.''
''History'' in this case lies. Coulter identifies Soviet operatives named by McCarthy. NewsMax.com has reviewed the 80-page McCarthy segment of Coulter’s book and hundreds of pages of the newly disclosed hearings. The record backs up her charges in spades.
Among the Soviet operatives in government jobs who were named by McCarthy, Coulter informs us, were T.A. Bisson, Mary Jane Keeney, Cedric Belfrage, Solomon Adler, Franz Neumann, Leonard Mins, Gustavo Duran and William Remington. From this sample list (the author mentions many others), let us look at a small part of the hearings record.
Leonard Mins had contracted to write manuals for the armed forces. In that pursuit, he handled sensitive material. ''Oh, yes, much of it was classified,'' he told Sen. McCarthy’s committee. He had also worked for the OSS, the predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency.
Mins pleaded the Fifth Amendment when asked if he were a member of the Communist Party, either at the time he was working for the government or at the moment of the hearing; whether he had discussed classified material with a member of the Communist Party or turned any of it over to an espionage agent; whether he had engaged in espionage or illegal Communist activity; whether he had been on the payroll of Soviet military intelligence, either at the time he prepared the pamphlet or when working for the OSS; whether he attended the Lenin School of sabotage and espionage; and whether he believed in the overthrow of the United States by force and violence.
Cedric Belfrage, also mentioned by Coulter, had worked under Army occupation officers. In that capacity, he had been instrumental in setting up newspapers in Germany after World War II. Before the McCarthy committee, he pleaded the Fifth on whether he had been a Communist then or at the time of the hearing; whether he advocated overthrow of the U.S. or British government (he was a British citizen) by force or violence; whether he would fight in the U.S. or British Army if ''drafted'' to fight Communist aggressors.
Mins even took the Fifth when asked by McCarthy if he had gained his government jobs in part by using as references Federal Power Commission Chairman Leland Olds--the consummate New Dealer--and CBS newsman Quincy Howe.
These are just samples of what the McCarthy committee uncovered. Ann Coulter's ''Treason'' and the newly released hearing transcripts dash to smithereens ''History’s'' falsehood that McCarthy did not nail treason within government.
A classic example of historical distortion emerged when the hearings surfaced. A Senate ''historian'' on May 5 put his own spin on the newly revealed McCarthy hearings before others had a chance to see them.
Associate Senate historian Donald Ritchie, in his ''Editor’s Note,'' quotes one committee witness, William Marx Mandel (who had taken the Fifth Amendment when asked about his Communist affiliations) as publicly declaring McCarthy ''murdered'' a prospective witness, Ray Kaplan, an alleged suicide.
Ritchie doesn’t bother to inform researchers that Kaplan was expected to be a friendly committee witness, eager to tell McCarthy of his frustration that some with whom he worked had placed a Voice of America transmitter in such a way as to prevent VOA from reaching the freedom-loving people behind the Iron Curtain, thus rendering it useless.
Nor does this ''historian'' add that some of Kaplan’s colleagues told McCarthy afterward that they suspected Kaplan’s ''suicide'' actually resulted from foul play. Nor is Mandel’s credibility questioned, even though behind closed doors he had openly threatened to give the committee a public-relations black eye.
Coulter sums it up: ''History is an endless process of liberal brainwashing.''
To read other news and articles by NewsMax, go to: www.newsmax.com
Dooood! McCarthy was right. Remember, it was the Left who tried to deny Hess and the Rosenbergs. Also, its well known that FDR's administration was rife with communists.

Over the years, the Left has done an admirable job demonizing McCarthy with their propaganda.

McCarthy was right! You are completely Insane. No wonder I can't dialog with you, your social make-up is so twisted that you believe Joe McCarthy was right. Damn Man, that is fucking incredible. You need to be restrained. Get out your straight jacket, the one you keep handy for episodes like McCarthy and Ann Rand, and Ann Coulter, and put it on tight. I'm dealing with a lunatic here!
That's it, Med ... don't take the time to read the article, then attack the ideas, just do what any self-righteous, left-wing, mother-fucking communist sympathizer would do and attack the messenger. Man, you are so transparent ... so transparent.

And by the way ... the above post was addressed to Dankdude. Is your fucking name Dankdude? Your bullshit is wearing mighty thin Med ... mighty thin.

That's it, Med ... don't take the time to read the article, then attack the ideas, just do what any self-righteous, left-wing, mother-fucking communist sympathizer would do and attack the messenger. Man, you are so transparent ... so transparent.

And by the way ... the above post was addressed to Dankdude. Is your fucking name Dankdude? Your bullshit is wearing mighty thin Med ... mighty thin.

It's the crazy guy again! Hey lets bring back the McCarthy hearings, Whack Job!!!
"lol, this thread degenerated with a thud.....lol"

Hi, Wavels ...

I have to admit, I'm getting a little tired of Meds demeaning bullshit. The guy is a no-nothing bully. I'll bet he's a verbal abuser at home as well. Wanna bet? *lol*


PS: Maybe he just stomps his feet if he doesn't get his way. Hey Med ... don't you have a few bolts to torque down on that under-powered rig of yours?
*lol* You know, Med ... in real life, you are probably a nice guy. Hmmm ... on second thought ...

McCarthy, Fucking Joe McCarthy. To even post such drivel makes me suspicious of some mental illness. That asshole fucked over so many US citizens in the name of Anti-Communism, It was and still is mass hysteria, and anyone that finds complicity with Joe Fucking McCarthy is Insane!!!
What's really interesting is that its only the leftists who go ballistic when Joe McCarthy's name is mentioned. I wonder why that is?

Because he ruined a lot of people's lives who didn't deserve it, sure there were some communist that were found, but there were some who's lives were ruined that were not guilty of being communist, all they were guilty of was decent.

Anyone who can not see this is either blind of a fool.

As far as that skinny dyke that you love so much, that isn't homework, that is right wing propaganda.
Funny thing is, the government in later years admitted that they were wrong in later years.

Once again, what was done by the McCarthy hearings was reprehensible
You know what's really interesting Dank ... As long as I've been posting Ann Coulter's columns, not one person has ever proven her to be wrong. Oh, sure ... they call her names, like you just did. They rant, rave and go ballistic, but they never prove her wrong. The woman does her research and presents the facts. I admit, she has a very sarcastic wit, but that's what drives the commies nuts about her ... and I like that! All Ann Coulter does is hand the left back the shit they've been handing out for years, with the difference that the left's bullshit is based upon exacty that ... bullshit and Ann's is based upon fact.
