where is my bud? white hairs changed colors


Well-Known Member
Well this is an outdoor grow and she is a short rider autoflower. She has had white hairs for i say 3 weeks or so. The hairs turned orange or redish brown. she has a spider mite infestation that i been getting rid of. Could that have something to do with why i have no buds there. thanksweek8 (9).jpgweek8 (16).jpgweek8 (14).jpgweek8 (15).jpgweek8 (13).jpgweek8 (4).jpg
It looks to me as though your plant has been grown without a sufficient enough amount of light, theres quite a stretch there, it doesnt look like the spidermites have messed with the bud much, just the buds arnt getting enough light to grow properly, Ive seen plants grown in almost full shade outside, and your plants buds are looking very similar. It is only the third week of budding though so theres still plenty of time for them buds to ripen and fill in. You say your growing outdoor? I would suggest trying to put it in a place for maximum sun exposure, she'd love it. hope that helps, happy toking
Then i would say the heat is what is causing the stretch and the buds from not forming right.I grow in a tropical climate where ive only got about 5 months of good indoor growing with no cooling assistance.When i first tried to grow through the summer i took a strain that was real good for me in the past and it came out horrible.It stretched way out and the buds it did produce when it was done were scraggally and sick looking.all from extreme heat,i was pushing temps of almost 90 degrees at the peak of the day,with all the fans i could find blowing. I would suggest somewhere a little cooler than on a roof in puerto rico.
good observation with the heat facter, i was worried about heat being a problem on a cement roof. But i was trying to get rid of all the spidermites in the yard and i thought it would be safer up there but i was wrong. They got in her ass. I did a good job at getting rid of the massive population of spider mites in the yard. So i just put her there and will tend to her daily.

It has been raining for a week and a half, i live on a mountain. get a nice breeze and at night its pretty cool. say low 70's. ugh she is my first and i wanted to smoke her already. blah!
So what are the percentage that she would survive this and actuallly give me what quarter of an ounce if that lol
I don't know to much about the autoflower but normally if this happened you could reveg it to give it another grow but I think with autoflower that's not possible because it doesn't flower based on the light, what you got is what you got.
some times the early red hairs is a sign of too many nutrients in your soil also there dose look like theres some stretching going on. i would bring the plant indoors and put it under a halide light maybe 400 watts that would help with the stretching make shure to keep it 12 on 12 off.. also you should check the nitrate, phosper, and sulfur in your nutrients you may be over feeding it ....hope it helps
Was there a street light or something nearby? The look of that plant is how I feel when I don't get sleep. I know this isn't typically what happens due to an off photoperiod, but this is also a unique looking plant. I thought heat from being on the roof at first too, but the plant just isn't showing any signs of heat stress. I'm rather vexed the first I have seen like this.
this plant is hideous but NOT from heat. genetics? perhaps. street light or some type of light interrupting the night cycle is most likely the problem.

also, early red hairs often means pollination. NOT nutes in the soil.
It atually looks good bud wise, like it looks healthy and green and even a little frosty, but those spider mites definately are the cause of your yield problem. Spider mites suck life giving juices out of the plants taking away their vigor and diminishing yeild significantly. What was the humidity like there also? Yeah you gotta make sure you get on those spider mites at first sight man. Those fuckers ruin EVERYTHING.
On the plus side, it looks like you might get your wish, those plants might be ready to smoke soon. Do you have anything to check the trichomes? If you do, then you know to look for milky-white, creamy looking trichomes :)
thanks guys, i went to radio shack to buy a microscope and they don't have it, well have to go online for that. How are they going to be ready if they have no bud yet lol

Street light, there is a lamp post on front of my house, 10 to the right and about 100 feet of the plant. She was in a garbage can, so i doubt that street light hit it.

it has to be those assholes, i was not aware that it had spider mites until about a week ago. Just did not think they could have gotten up there, chances are they got up there because i put her down in the yard when she was a seedling. They got in there and lived there for sometime and multiplied. I got rid of a shitload in the yard. hard to find them now. I got the hose out everyday.
by the way the humidty is not high here. maybe it was the street light and a combo of the spider mites eating her.
Maybe the heat from the cement roof is messing with your root system. Do you have your pot or bucket elevated off of the hot roof?
odd i posted and it did not go through. i did spray monday with insecticide soap and tuesday i didnt see them i sprayed again with plain water. last week i sprayed with neem oil and soap and it did not do much.

I did not put anything below the plant. it sat there for 3 weeks, the last week nad a half it has been in a garbage can.

I am not bringing the plant with a spider mtie infestation in my home. PLus i have seedlings growing here. don't want them to get infested too
. i did spray monday with insecticide soap

yeah, I thought you said you used that, that'll do it for sure.
Won't make any difference in your bud growth.
I noticed when I burnt my pistils off using soap that I couldn't smell my weed anymore so I figure it would make a good odor control.
just made a strong concoction of garlic cayenne pepper power hot sauce. This should burn their ass. I also threw garlic on top of the soil lol. i am doing whatever i can to try to get buds to grow. I will even do a damn rain dance butt naked in the yard
The people who are telling you its the lights i guess didnt read.You can have an autoflower under 24 hours of light and it will bud.