Where has the quality gone??


Active Member
In Southern CA, there is lots of good bud.... Recently though there is also TONS of mid-grade and lower being passed off as good bud.. There are so many people growing now and trying to pass off their garbage as top shelf when it isn't anywhere near that. Then you take the buyers in most of the clubs out here and their ignorance compounds the problem.. They buy on strictly name of the strain without even knowing what they are looking for.. So everyone is now trying to pass along their "OG" strain that they grew (probably the 5th grow ever). They have no idea how to grow, dry or cure and then this crap is sold as top shelf around here. It is truly the wild west out here.. I know guys that grow in 5000 sq ft spaces and they have no idea what they are doing... Are you guys/gals in other medical states seeing the same thing happen there? Just curious if this is just a Southern California thing or not..


Well-Known Member
Thats y u jus try and help the people close to you buy supplying them with what you have(assuming u grow). i dont live in a medical state so its even worse here. most ppl here are completely clueless to diff strains and the quality of good cured bud... Anything fluffy with chrystals is called kush. Then you have the people that hear shit in songs,tv etc... and jus copy that.lol i said fuck that along time ago.


Well-Known Member
This is where simple economics comes in. The better grown stuff will "weed" out the competition, but there will always be a market for cheaper, less quality herb for those who can't afford it. It will balance out. The patients who look at the "top shelf" and see it looks and smells like shit will choose carefully the best herb for their quality of life.