Well-Known Member
hahaha poswtf kind of nancy boy are you little twit ass sniffer trying to figure who's shit stinks and who can grow good weed? you a cop? a shit sniffin cop? fucking turd boy
hahaha poswtf kind of nancy boy are you little twit ass sniffer trying to figure who's shit stinks and who can grow good weed? you a cop? a shit sniffin cop? fucking turd boy
we all no he talks nosense, please don't follow in his tracks chemmy on the other hand to late for him he has hung himself alreadyOnly rm3 and Ttystick are making claims of being "top notch growers". Rm3 says he is the best and we all do it wrong. And of course he has the worlds best genetics.
You should pay more attention. He thinks you have shitty pot and grow poorly too. Have you read his bullshit "books"?
Dude, this is supposed to be a positive, collaborative space. I can't think of anything more un-chill than trying to argue about weed in an internet forum. Don't you have a Youtube comment section to troll right now? Roll one up and chill out, bud.
I knew you were a cop, using can photo's of some hillbilly's back yard weeds to lure me to post pics..... aint falling for it pig. troll somewhere elsemy shit reeks lets c yours chemmyView attachment 4002465
He has to make things up to complain about. It's all he's got.Have never made such a claim, go ahead show me where I ever said I was a top notch grower LMAO
I only know one person that has been to RM 3's house. The only other person I know with rm3 strains is D.C. And he is the one that gave me CTF. But rm3 gave my friend in Colorado his personal stash.
And you were never even involved in the discussions or posts about this when I was on his site. You were here not posting proof of your own self proclaimed results for your own agenda to be a famous grower.
I actually don't care about fame like you silly guys. I care about good medicine. You idiots bait new growers with tons of misinformation.
I intend to offer the proper information in place of yours and his mistakes and agenda filled lies.
And it only takes a few minutes of my time to discredit you and correct things. It's worth it for entertainment value if nothing else.
Yepthere it is! op needs to grow RM3 weed !
Ttystikk is passsing out Wisdom here MMG.TL;DR
If you spent half the time doing something productive as you do licking @RM3's sac, you might have actually accomplished something.
The fact that you're STILL doing it says a lot more than anything you type.
You're just jealous. Well, that and mentally unstable.
And your friend keeps changing lol
Ttystikk a lightweight???It's pretty obvious you are a lightweight smoker too.
And rm3 promises his weed would never put you to sleep. It never causes couch lock he says constantly.
So you are an even lighter weight straight edge than I imagined.
Im probably gonna date myself here with a "back in my day" post, but back in my day we were able to pass around a jay or a blunt nonstop playing music and talking. These days, living in a legal state, have really escalated in terms of potency. It seems that maximum THC has become the end goal without much regard for other cannabinoids and terpenes. In some ways it is a good thing because quality is way up. On the other hand, I am reticent to smoke socially anymore because my friends shit is always face meltingly strong and one or two hits puts me into a stupor.
With the industry as it is, I hope someone starts putting out high quality mid grade stuff soon. Think of it like a "session ale" in craft beer. Maybe it would be nice to have some chill all- day smoking herb that is nicely cured and artfully grown.
Can anyone relate?
haha u cant be for real or did I touch a nerve anyway funnyI knew you were a cop, using can photo's of some hillbilly's back yard weeds to lure me to post pics..... aint falling for it pig. troll somewhere else
Yeah, man.
I'm not an every day smoker. I took up growing for myself for pain relief as I simply couldn't take the pills anymore. (Literally. Cancer took part of my pancreas and one kidney, so the pills were literally killing me.)
After a lot of research and trial and error, I settled on White Widow from ILGM. It's the best of both worlds, really. If you're a light weight smoker like I am, two puffs is all it takes and the pain melts away, you get a good buzzy feeling, but you can still get shit done.
But if you want to, you can hit it 4 or 5 times and then sit on your sofa listening to the dust settle on the back of the TV and try to figure out which damn way the earth is rotating.
You should look into it.
I agree ,I will man. I've always enjoyed any of the "white" varieties. Especially White Rhino back in the day. That was some nice stuff, wish we had more around my neck of the woods. I've found a lot of the autoflower stuff to be nice too-- it isn't overly potent usually and it is a good experience/ super forgiving to grow. Sure, you don't get a crazy high yield as you could with other photosensitive varieties, but if you're just making a little personal stash it's not a problem. Still though, would like to try to make something "sessionable". Clean, easy on the throat/lungs, a smooth smoke, and a light buzz. There's a reason people like session ales, right?
Glad to hear from someone like me who doesn't necessarily want to "get wrecked".
Sure, you don't get a crazy high yield as you could with other photosensitive varieties.
I will show my grow to whomever I like, pal.Man, I just want to say to everybody that it is a shame there is so much politics and vitriol here on RIU. You know, you guys shouldn't be inviting each other to your houses, showing off your backyard grows, etc. If us dummies were able to find our way to this website, plenty of others that we don't want to see it are on here too. JUST a reminder from Rosenthal's grow bible: if you don't want to get in trouble the best security measure you can take is NOT showing off your grow... that's why when anybody says "pics or it didn't happen", I just assume they are either a troll or worse someone trying to bait you and get you in trouble.
Stay safe everyone and don't argue online. I've been on here since like 2009 and was surprised after coming back that people are arguing and trashing each other. Most un-cool. We all have better things to do than hijack my thread.
I will man. I've always enjoyed any of the "white" varieties. Especially White Rhino back in the day. That was some nice stuff, wish we had more around my neck of the woods. I've found a lot of the autoflower stuff to be nice too-- it isn't overly potent usually and it is a good experience/ super forgiving to grow. Sure, you don't get a crazy high yield as you could with other photosensitive varieties, but if you're just making a little personal stash it's not a problem. Still though, would like to try to make something "sessionable". Clean, easy on the throat/lungs, a smooth smoke, and a light buzz. There's a reason people like session ales, right?
Glad to hear from someone like me who doesn't necessarily want to "get wrecked".
I will show my grow to whomever I like, pal.
I live in a legal state and I will not live in fear that some asshole might break the law.
If you think I'm just in it for the weed then you don't know me well at all. I'm here to make the world a better place for those who come after me.
I just hope they appreciate the effort.