Where God Jesus and The Devil Really Are?


Well-Known Member
look, i'll be brief or i won't just read this out for a minute before some sunday school kids or right-winged religious crazy mothafuckas might get on my case but to me i believe that God, christ and the evil one are real... within us. think about, we as humans possess the gift of life to understand, create and learn and can also destroy, we may not have powers that make us super human or supernatural (not until we gain 100% of our human potential and then some) but we've made builds, cars, planes, machines and have worked our asses of to form up cures for various diseases and that's from the god point of view. to me jesus represents the good in man the light side if you will while the satan... y'all know what he represents. these two make up for being our imprinted code of morality and our philosophy but are constantly doing something that the world could never be perfect without: conflict. guys like charles manson, jeffrey dommer (please if i spelled that wrong don't be a prick of a grammar nazi about man) and son of sam are crazy nuts but are are just doing something that was imprinted in them which is why in most movies or toons your conscience comes like you in as an angel or a devil, god represents your wisdom and knowledge how far as a human have you come in life, the journey. i do believe that there is an afterlife to that's why people say you pass away or you've gone to a better place, maybe the soul is our essence going through time and space and become apart of something that we don't know or can't truthfully understand until we die. WE ARE created from nothingness to create all we can to form a legacy or destroy the world in which we live. WE ARE the heroes and villians (the people and politrickins). WE ARE ORDER & CHAOS EMBODIED!!! got caried away there.



Active Member
A pig hanging from every flagpole
A knife shoved up the systems asshole
No future for the moralists
No future for the weak
From the shadows within my soul
I cry for brutality and bloodshed for all



Well-Known Member
I agree, more or less... I think.

Mostly, about all parts being inside us all, that we are all god-like, and we don't always recognize the true extent of our powers... or sometimes we do, and just don't care... does that sound right?

But I don't think everyone who is evil was merely imprinted upon. I think we are born with a certain amount of selfish intent, and society can influence us, but we do have self will.

At some point we learn to work with others, or we become alone.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter. The Dvil, assuming he is an angel and if angels exist, they are a superior order than us. The devil doesn't fucking care about us at all. It is soo laughable (or sad) to see some people riding the cock of Lucifer but in the end, it is just a pissing match between god and the devil.


Well-Known Member
well heres netanyahu talking to one of the devils puppets http://hotair.com/archives/2011/05/20/video-netanyahu-lectures-obama-on-why-israels-1967-borders-are-indefensible/ some things the devils little helpers are up to http://www.geekwithlaptop.com/the-god-particle-to-be-explained-by-the-end-of-2012 READ UP http://sacred-texts.com/jud/loj/loj103.htm http://reluctant-messenger.com/lost_forgotten_books.htm For all those trues out there pray for GODS people Israel.The bible belt is also being attacked,Farmland(Devils banks and monsanto) wanna take over our food supply,and sell us GMO Poison.( Geo Engineering)..They'll blame the crazy weather on US,to try to pass the climate tax bill.All this shit and more,is part of their nwo plan..

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i've come to the conclusion that anything written in the bible is metaphorical, and fantasy. i doubt jesus ever lived, and was simply a character written based off of older myths since there are atleast 10 or twelve we know of that share nearly all of his attributes and yet were documented hundreds of years earlier if not thousands. not saying someone might have based jesus off a person who actually existed, but he certainly did not do the miracles they proclaimed him to do, otherwise the roman historians would have documented them, and they were no slouches at keeping written records or important events. good and evil are just ideas that are subjective and dont actually exist, and angels are like unicorns, more imaginary stuff to make you feel better. there is no devil, just stupid people who lack the explanation or knowledge as to why good people to harmful things to others. More often than not, people who believe others to be evil, will take a violent approach to the evildoers in order to quell or cleans them. look at george bush's rhetoric about the terrorists, he called them evil, painted them out as if they were some tribe of satanic muslims, except he neglects the psycho-social factors that lead people to become a part of terrorist groups, like poverty and brainwashing(religious indoctrination).


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna address these ideas you post a little out of the order you posted them in.

1 Miracles - I think that these doesn't have to be anything supernatural for a healer to be regarded as a savior or a witch for using knowledge to heal by ignorant masses. And bam 'miracles'. It might be shady to be all egotistical and shit and take advantage of such ignorance, but often times the masses wouldn't accept the truth anyway and might crucify you for it. Pun intended.

2 Good v. Evil -> So true. It's about perspective. It's a personal judgement. That doesn't make the process of making personal judgments evil though.

3 - The Astrological Metaphor - It is a fantastic metaphorical story. Doens't mean it's meaningless. it just means you don't know what it's code for. Written in the stars as a mnemonic device for tracking geography and weather patterns. Abused, mysticized and occults from the fear of persecution by the ignorant who feared 'supernatural' powers by the keepers of knowledge.


Well-Known Member
I agree, more or less... I think.

Mostly, about all parts being inside us all, that we are all god-like, and we don't always recognize the true extent of our powers... or sometimes we do, and just don't care... does that sound right?

But I don't think everyone who is evil was merely imprinted upon. I think we are born with a certain amount of selfish intent, and society can influence us, but we do have self will.

At some point we learn to work with others, or we become alone.
my fucking point exactly, i need to work on my reasoning and logic but you got it man.