Where do you think weed fits into Christianity?


Well-Known Member
This is a question/topic for any Christian stoner's that may be on this board.

I know theirs a lot of people on the net who use the religion aspect, and say it talks about it in the bible. About it being the healing of nations. If weed is the healing of all nations I believe that will bring about the new world order. As when all nations are living in peace and harmony it will be a one world government.

Whenever I first started smoking weed I was about 18. I thought what if weed was the tree Adam and Eve ate a fruit from? Maybe god destroyed the fruit but left only the plant? I believe whatever fruit they ate doesn't exist anymore. As their was only one tree in the Garden of Eden, and no humans besides Adam, and Eve were ever in there. The Garden of Eden was destroyed in the bible though, so maybe the plant altogether doesn't exist anymore.

That was what I first thought about it, but now as stated above with all the stoner talk about it healing all nations I believe it will bring about a one world governement. Then when the one world government exist's that is truly the end times.

Anyways that's just what conclusion I've come to. If you don't believe in the religion aspect (god) then you don't really believe it will be the healing of all nations as a lot of stoners I guess do, or they just use that as an argument. What do you think about it as a Christian stoner?


Well-Known Member
Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
Genesis 1:29

guess this means we must ingest it rather then smoke.... which, I am 110% happy with!


if you are still adhering to what he asks of us..... and not causing harm-hate to others and more, MMJ has many uses none of which I have found to conflict with the above.

there is not a single passage that says not to use MMJ HOWEVER it does mention your life as a important and God wishes us not .to waste ourselves away. Your body was a gift..... from God and well you can waste it..... or improve it.

I belong to an apostolic church and I can assure you..... they are more happy to see me using MMJ then all of my past Rx's I have had.

BTW the tree youmentioned MORE then likely was a Pomegranate ( have read several situations which mentions the apple was not a main staple fruit back in the day.)

for me I have become increasingly more religious as time passes by.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
just another example of how stupid christians, twist and manipulate the bible to suit there own needs and agender .
nowhere in the bible is the word cannabis .
rapist murderers child abusers all do it , they take some line out of the bible and twist it to mean something else , that makes them feel like they have done nothing wrong .
guilty feeling pot smokers , who start to wonder if there imaginary god feels the same way about there pot smoking habbit as most of society does , then desperately try to find a passage in the bible to twist into saying that god approves of there habbit lol


Well-Known Member
just another example of how stupid christians, twist and manipulate the bible to suit there own needs and agender .
nowhere in the bible is the word cannabis .
rapist murderers child abusers all do it , they take some line out of the bible and twist it to mean something else , that makes them feel like they have done nothing wrong .
guilty feeling pot smokers , who start to wonder if there imaginary god feels the same way about there pot smoking habbit as most of society does , then desperately try to find a passage in the bible to twist into saying that god approves of there habbit lol

Someone needs a hug!

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Rather i think he deserves an applause.

If you want to be labeled as a true Christian, you probably shouldn't be smoking weed.

If you have to bend and warp the words that you fallow in order to justify doing something that you want to do... i would more so call yourself 90% Christian, or something.


Well-Known Member
But, we must always asks ourselves, what would Jesus do.....when he smoked weed?


Active Member
I'm Christian. And I smoke weed. And I don't consider myself a bad Christian for it. So that's how it fits into Christianity for me. I don't think I'm going to be banished to an eternity of anguish for ingesting a plant. If that's the case, then I guess Christians should stop eating tomatoes as well.

Weed fits into Christianity like it fits in everywhere else: Perfectly.


Well-Known Member
I'm Christian. And I smoke weed. And I don't consider myself a bad Christian for it. So that's how it fits into Christianity for me. I don't think I'm going to be banished to an eternity of anguish for ingesting a plant. If that's the case, then I guess Christians should stop eating tomatoes as well.

Weed fits into Christianity like it fits in everywhere else: Perfectly.

there are over 600 commandments... (yeah 590 are applicable to the Jewish religion alone) not one says HEY btw... no smoking weed
the idea of ANY drug being bad stems from all the other Pagan religions which used many various forms of drugs to achieve a heighten sense that used to talk to the God(s) Therefore Christians who feel FAITH brings you closer to GOD rather then herbs-drugs

there are references to any abuse of any one particular item which the Apostle Paul writes addiction detracts from Faith in GOD. Relying on anything but faith in God relates to lack of faith in God.

I am sure this is on youtube by now it's called The Stoned Ages (natgeo doc explains how drugs have been used)


Active Member
I am a Christian and I smoke weed. The Bible says that God created the whole earth and everything on it. Then God said that everything he made was good. Not it was all good exept pot and opium. God made it all good. There is no need to justify or take anything out of context. But the bible does talk about addiction. Anything held above God is idolatry.


Active Member
Adding further: I look at it like this: God will judge me based on my behavior. And my behavior/actions when high on weed are perfectly acceptable. What's the worst that's going to happen when I'm stoned? I might go to bed a little bit earlier, and maybe eat a little bit more junk food. And I'm sure there's purist Christians out there, who would find fault with that. But you know what? My relationship with God is unique to me. I believe we were created in the image of God. God did not create us perfectly. Otherwise, we would be God. We are going to make mistakes. That being said, I don't think smoking pot is a mistake, or a sin of any sort. I don't believe taking ANY drug is a sin.

However, I do believe a person's actions on drugs can be sinful. If I drink a bottle of whiskey, and go home and beat my wife, then yeah, I think God might have a problem with that. If I smoke crack, and rob a store to get my next fix, well yeah........I think God might have a problem with that as well.

You see, I believe God works through people, and God works through me. And you know when I know God is working through me? When I get that tight feeling in my stomach when I know I'm doing something wrong. God works through me, via my conscience. God is my inner sense of what's right, and what's wrong. God is the supernatural.

Because after all: there are some things that science simply cannot explain.

Like Albert Einstien once said: "God is subtle but he is not malicious."


Well-Known Member
There is so much judgement and ill will, that we can smear each other referring to the bible. We can provide damnation. Christians don't need God, if they have taken it all on themselves to save us with their Pride.


Well-Known Member
Weed is good for my health, it does less damage to my body then any other medications so im sure god doesnt mind.. plus, cannabis was mentioned in the bible several times. It was used as incense during sessions with the ark of the covenant..


Active Member
This is a question/topic for any Christian stoner's that may be on this board.

I know theirs a lot of people on the net who use the religion aspect, and say it talks about it in the bible. About it being the healing of nations. If weed is the healing of all nations I believe that will bring about the new world order. As when all nations are living in peace and harmony it will be a one world government.

Whenever I first started smoking weed I was about 18. I thought what if weed was the tree Adam and Eve ate a fruit from? Maybe god destroyed the fruit but left only the plant? I believe whatever fruit they ate doesn't exist anymore. As their was only one tree in the Garden of Eden, and no humans besides Adam, and Eve were ever in there. The Garden of Eden was destroyed in the bible though, so maybe the plant altogether doesn't exist anymore.

That was what I first thought about it, but now as stated above with all the stoner talk about it healing all nations I believe it will bring about a one world governement. Then when the one world government exist's that is truly the end times.

Anyways that's just what conclusion I've come to. If you don't believe in the religion aspect (god) then you don't really believe it will be the healing of all nations as a lot of stoners I guess do, or they just use that as an argument. What do you think about it as a Christian stoner?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH8yiBsN6KE this is my belief...


Well-Known Member
Unfortuantely the pendulum swings in both directions. The forces are already lining up against, in ganja's politcal homeland, Netherlands.

But, your post, Psuedo, you poor guy. It is hard enough to get a life, going. It is so difficult to figure out people already, to be sucessful. I feel bad when folks are washed into this thinking that all this metaphor we call life, must be pushed thru another metaphor we call Religion. It is so confusing for us to try to understand these overtold, over crushed and mangled stories from the past, in History. Then to take power of the Church and grind these stories into a self serving addictive fear potion, is even worse.

Then we poor folks, just clear of our parents, can actually type in private if nothing else, have to worry how ganga fits all these stupid old stories and bring that into our daily problem space.

The religion itself make judgement of us, the sceptics, in this life.

If you have ganga, that's all the religion you need, IMO. Christianity is out to hang you for this. You can't have both and comune honestly with the Christians.
Just like you can't be a straight guy with a nice ass and hang out with the gay boys. They will resent you.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I don't give a damn what mind altering substance you use, alcohol to cannabis... it doesn't matter in the eyes of god. god sees all and knows all.

Like our English word, the Greek word for "drunk" refers to "intoxication, drunkenness ... to get drunk, become intoxicated..."

Romans 13:12-14 - Cast off the works of darkness, walk properly, not in drunkenness. Make no provision to fulfill the lusts of the flesh.

Galatians 5:19-21; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 - People who are guilty of drunkenness, will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Corinthians 5:11 - If a church member commits drunkenness and refuses to repent, he should be disciplined so we don't keep company with him.

Thessalonians 5:6-8 - Being sober is the opposite of being drunk and is associated with being alert and watchful.

Peter 1:13-17 - Be sober, gird up the loins of your mind so you can avoid lusts and be obedient and holy. This requires being alert.

Peter 5:8,9 - Be sober so we can be on guard for the devil, resist him, and not be devoured by him. Realizing how dangerous Satan is, we should keep our minds clear so we can recognize his deceit and resist his temptations.

Corinthians 9:25-27 - Bring our bodies into subjection to our minds, exercising temperance (self-control) like athletes in training, so our bodies will be properly guided by our minds.

Hence, whether caused by alcohol or by other drugs, intoxication violates God's word. But use of any drug we are studying, including just one cannabis filled joint or bowl, causes intoxication.

One of the main reasons why God condemns intoxication is that, as christians we face many serious temptations. In order to distinguish right from wrong and then have the will power to resist evil, our minds must think clearly and control our bodies. The Bible calls this sobriety and self-control.

God has given us all the power of free will from the disdain of sin, you make your own choices, you make your own decisions. Those who choose to resist gods word WILL ultimately burn in hell. I wish you all luck on your repentance and in sobriety.

DO YOU GUYS EVEN READ THE BIBLE, OR JUST PRETEND THAT YOU DID??? You should all be ashamed of yourselves if you do not know these passages.


Active Member
I try to live a spiritual life and be the best I can be and thats all I can do, however, when Jesus turned water into wine I am sure it wasnt alcohol free. The bible does not say not to drink, it says dont be a drunkard. Moderation is key here and not letting it control you. God made MMJ and God made man smart enough to figure out what to do with it....