Where do you guys smoke?


Well-Known Member
A lot of people don't have the option of smoking inside, even if the people that they live with accept the fact that they smoke (smell, etc)

So where's your smoking spot? I go out into my backyard, we have a fence but it sucks in the morning when I want to go out there and smoke and there's people outside n shit :wall:

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
you can make a blow tube to hide the smell. take a cardboard tube from a paper towel roll and stuff it with dryer sheets, blow smoke through it. you could also just avoid smoking it and make some ganja butter or oil.


New Member
in my bedroom - out on my back porch, at a friends house, at my neighbors house.

if your room/house mates are okay with you smoking, my suggestion is to get a computer fan, 120mm with an on off toggle switch..fan speed control optional, but useful.. roughly 5 bucks..get some duct tubing that will match the fan...about a foot of it will do...attatch a 9v battery to the fan, pointing down the tubing - install into window when you need to smoke, use cardboard to cover the remaining open part of the window...use the above mentioned "spoof" (i prefer to use a 12-16 oz plastic bottle and cut 3 or 4 holes in the bottom, this makes the smoke come out a smaller cloud and can be used "directionally") to blow your smoke into your new window fan.

i usually just lean out my window a bit and blow my hits out.


Well-Known Member
I smoke inside.
You know, if you vaporize, and just blow it out the window, there is absolutely NO smell. You could vape in your bedroom with the window closed, and it would not smell. I'm not kidding!


Well-Known Member
living room, bedroom, other bedroom, sometimes the kitchen, my garage, the garage at my moms house when im home for the holidays, the porch at my moms house when i stop by in the summer, floating on an innertube down one of several rivers in the summer, one of the many folf courses around here, oh and i cant forget my car

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
has anyone tryed this, turn hot water on in bathroom and let it steam up, and then smoke a blunt ? i had some friends that would do that, but i never tryed it. supposedly you get higher.


Well-Known Member
has anyone tryed this, turn hot water on in bathroom and let it steam up, and then smoke a blunt ? i had some friends that would do that, but i never tryed it. supposedly you get higher.

Seems like everything gets you "Higher" nowadays. I smoke in my garage, invite a few friends over, have a hour long sesh and go eat up all the food.


Well-Known Member
has anyone tryed this, turn hot water on in bathroom and let it steam up, and then smoke a blunt ? i had some friends that would do that, but i never tryed it. supposedly you get higher.
Its called a jamaican hotbox, or atleast that what we call it up here. Doesnt get you higher but gets all steamy and feels so good when you get out of the washroom into the cold room.

I smoke in my room or friends houses, or anywhere outside. Smoked a j in front of parliament hill this year.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Usually, I'll smoke in my living room, but when I have company over I will sneak off to my car and spark up a jay. Then go to the flea market.


Well-Known Member
Bump hits in my living room, sometimes when I let the pooch out back I'll bring my mini bong and take a few tokes, I roll watercured joints with a cigarette rolling machine and a leftie and smoke them whereever I want, if family is coming in town I make some cookies for myself. But 99.99999999% of the time I am in my kitchen.


Well-Known Member
i smoke in my room most of the time. sometimes i smoke in the car.(L. rides and bake outs are the best) but lately ive been wanting to smoke outside in the nature and the fresh air. once i smoked under a waterfall and right next to a lake.


Well-Known Member
Bump hits in my living room, sometimes when I let the pooch out back I'll bring my mini bong and take a few tokes, I roll watercured joints with a cigarette rolling machine and a leftie and smoke them whereever I want, if family is coming in town I make some cookies for myself. But 99.99999999% of the time I am in my kitchen.
you can do that?


Well-Known Member
earlier this week me, my girl, and a few of our friends were chiefing bowls at a natural hotsprings in the middle of bum-fuck idaho


Well-Known Member
Bump hits in my living room, sometimes when I let the pooch out back I'll bring my mini bong and take a few tokes, I roll watercured joints with a cigarette rolling machine and a leftie and smoke them whereever I want, if family is coming in town I make some cookies for myself. But 99.99999999% of the time I am in my kitchen.
Water-cured joints??:?::weed:


Well-Known Member
I go across the street to some local apts that are 100% students, or load up a mixed hookah bowl and smoke right outside my dorm.