Where do you get your water from?

Where does everyone get water from? I purchase distilled water. Was wondering if any good filters that anyone recommends.

Distilled is good too. My plants like either far more than reg tap water

Distilled it NOT "good" water to use!
Distilled contains no dissolved oxygen!
It drowns seeds you try and pop and is very hard on seedlings too!

Plants NEED O2 in the root zone and I like watering everyday - just enough to get me to the next day, lights on...More O2 to the roots!

I have used an RO for years. I know exactly whats in that. It comes from a holding tank that's heavily bubbled.....
Purified as water from the rio grande is horrid here. If im not using the right type please let me know. I do not have a ph tester as of yet but will be investing in one. with general hydroponics 7-4-10 npk added to water. Also water once every other day as of now since they are only 4 inches tall and foliage feed once a day at 5ish.
Lake, spring, or rain...depending on the season. Tap and well vary greatly in my area so they are a no-go without a RO unit.
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I water my plants with only the finest Asian "spring" water, sure the PH is really low but the Terpene development :weed: