where do marijuana collectives get their bud?


Well-Known Member
Well, in Cali at least, from people like us. Anyone can vend to the clubs out here if you have the right quality and quantity of product and you're willing to stand behind it.


Well-Known Member
^^This is by NO MEANS an invitation to come to Cali to try to grow for a living, I assure you, it's not as easy as everyone thinks.^^


Active Member
they get it from anyone who sells it the cheapest,sometimes even buying some good outdoor and
selling it as indoor prices,or just under indoor prices.

many clubs started putting their profits into growing their own meds.sometimes you see clubs that only sell what they grow and most of it isnt A+ grade...ive seen a club do this but after a while their meds starting looking better.

one club told me they get their P's from norcal for 1600 and bring them back to socal.
im assuming outdoor because it was that great.

but yes they will try to lowball you for 2400-2800,unless they dont have other connections