where do i stand?


Active Member
ok so here i am again guys asking q's, my first plants went to shit because i didn't give em eniugh light. now my buddy wanted to put his plants in my spot to see if they will grow, these guys were def root bound snd possibly stunt, 1st question is do they have a chance to flower if there females, 2nd when will i be able to tell what they are? 3rd how can i get them thicker ? and last is this yellow color due to lack of nitrogen or too much sun? one is a random plant and the other a hydro both in miracle grow soil with a little bone meal added. hopefully i can save theses i think they have a shot. thanks ahead of time guys ill keeop u posted


Dakota Big Smokin

Active Member
First off read a few books not just about weed gardening books to and get a good grip on growing... Okay so I don't understand your first question, but you will be able to sex them soon flowering should be in full force in 3 weeks or so some of mine have started already.. To get your plants thicker you need to top/train/fim/supercrop ect. There's not much you can do now but let them grow and to your last Q, yes that is a lack of nitrogen(can never get enough sun) give them a good feeding and let them grow,, good luck man!


Active Member
as for the other q i corrected it i was asking if theres a chance of flowering. and as for top/ train/film/supercrop what does that meen? and i ty for the info

Dakota Big Smokin

Active Member
They will all flower in time be patient and those are all methods of getting multiple tops (cola) but its to late for that stuff now (though some may disagree) just keep reading and learning and you will get the hang of it


Well-Known Member
At this point, I don't know what to tell ya really. You using that MG soil....not too sure if that could be your problem right there, IDK. Those plants are way too small and young yet to be micro-managing them....leave em' alone for awhile and let em' grow. See what they do. I f they start getting worse then think about doing something to them.


Active Member
yea these were my buddies, when he gave the to me they were in little cups root bound to shit. as for the thin stems is there any way to improve that?