Where did it go and why...

Reality checker I don't know if your paid to be here by Brett or just plain ignorant to the fact you aren't convincing anyone, I strongly believe it is most likely he is a snitch and even he wasn't he proved himself an immature prick I would never do business with him
Just a bump to keep the name Bret Bogue up top where people can see it. The Cali medical community needs to be aware of this scumbag.
Just a bump to keep the name Bret Bogue up top where people can see it. The Cali medical community needs to be aware of this scumbag.

Now he is trying to talk shit on me. LMAO.

Bret, this is the 4th time you have been accused of being a snitch. I hope you burn in hell.

Mr. Rize, you have stepped into the wrong argument. You still didn't answer the question. Who are the other 2 people you think have accused Bret of being a snitch. Mr. Rubin claimed he was CIA informant in 2006 and Mr. Ekdahl calimed he was la informant in 2011.

YOU claim there are 2 more people. Who are they? Or are you just making wild accusations like Mr. Ekdahl is? show us your proof of these 2 other accusers.
all court documents r public. if someone snitched , it will be in documents who informent was. so, if someone snitched, its in writing somewhere.....peace brim
all court documents r public. if someone snitched , it will be in documents who informent was. so, if someone snitched, its in writing somewhere.....peace brim
Mr. Ekdahl, aka BEWARE, posted the statement of probable cause. It lists a CRI (confidential reliable informant), no name. BEWARE is convinced that the CRI is Bret, but how could that be? If Bret were a CRI, he would have had to turn in many people AND testify against them in court. has ANYONE ever heard of Bret testifying against them in court?
Mr. Rize, you have stepped into the wrong argument. You still didn't answer the question. Who are the other 2 people you think have accused Bret of being a snitch. Mr. Rubin claimed he was CIA informant in 2006 and Mr. Ekdahl calimed he was la informant in 2011.

YOU claim there are 2 more people. Who are they? Or are you just making wild accusations like Mr. Ekdahl is? show us your proof of these 2 other accusers.
This aint court bitch. I know what I know because my resources run deep. I don't have to say shit to your troll ass. This is the 4th time Bret has been accused of snitching in the circles. FACT. Almost everyone in Cali already believes dude is a snitch.

This is the 4th time Bret has been accused of snitching in the circles. .

Again, who has accused him? Mr. Rubin, Mr. Ekdahl and who else? Back up your statment, please. I am sure everyone would like to know who is accusing Bret of this so they can find out for themselves. Or are you just talking crazy like Mr. ekdahl? Anyone can make statements like you, but if you can't back it up with facts, what good is it?
doesn,t have to be named in court or have to testify, but, his name would be in court documents. trust me, i,ve found snitches before... a judge gave me this info years ago....it still stands today.....i hate snitches
doesn,t have to be named in court or have to testify, but, his name would be in court documents. trust me, i,ve found snitches before... a judge gave me this info years ago....it still stands today.....i hate snitches

according to the statement of probable cause that was posted, the informant was a CRI, and had been used successfully in obtaining arrests. If he was reliable, he was found to be reliable in court. And where are these court documents with Bret's name as the informant? In this industry, that type of news would have spread like wildfire, and those documents would be posted all over the internet, yet they aren't. Only 2 people making postings that he is. I am waiting for someone to post those court documents. I won't be holding my breath.
doesn,t have to be named in court or have to testify, but, his name would be in court documents. trust me, i,ve found snitches before... a judge gave me this info years ago....it still stands today.....i hate snitches

Ask your judge friend, if he/she is still around, how someone gets to be a CRI. I think there is a procedure the person would have to go through, not just some anonymous person off the street. It would be interesting to find out.
If, as you allege, Bret got the "snitch" thread removed, why is this thread still here?

So just one quick question, for all your knowledge and convoluted logic name one person on here you have convinced Brett isnt a snitch. Bottom line is you can't prove shit and nothing you say here holds any value because your a nobody with no sources. Good day child
so because you spoke with him on the phone and he told you his side of the story,you believe him,and we all are idiots?..hearsay!!!

he now has your phone number,and you will be raided...k thanks bye.
Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING!!!!! lmfao!!!!!!! Couldn't have said it better myself.:clap:
Bottom line is you can't prove shit and nothing you say here holds any value because your a nobody with no sources.

You can't prove anything, either. A voicemail with a threat to call police which gets posted an NO threat on there, Ci paperwork with Bret's name and the paperwork posted does not list his name, and the timeline the OP posted, (hired 9/1, fired 10/1 alleged threat 10/5) doesn't match up, no paperwork anywhere in existance with Bret's name as an informant. So, what are you basing your "conviction" on?