Where did it go and why...

What evidence is there against him?
your friend has claimed he has a voicemail of a threat to call police, and the only thing on there is turning the matter over to the attorneys and go to court:
The timeline given - hired sept 1, fired oct 1, threatened oct 5, and the police paperwork states they were contacted september 20. That timeline does not fit. and thsi is the timeline YOUR FRIEND PROVIDED!

And the thing I find most curious about your friend is this: he claimed he was just a handyman, but seems to have some inside, corporate information on payroll, etc. If he was just a handyman, how would he know if the agreement called for additional workers, weekly schedules, etc? He wouldn't be privy to that information.
I actually called the court on friday to check the story out. Know what I found out? According to the LA county inmate website, your friend was released from jail with no bond. The court clerk, Myrna, told me that there has not been any arraignment, and they were "waiting for arrest warrants to be filed." Why would they need to file arrest warrants, if he had already been arrested? Something doesn't sound right about that.

right now the only important timeline is that Bret threatened to call the police and shortly after the place gets raided. so at this point it's actually up to Bret to prove he's not the snitch.
BTW Guys i think this is Brets Wife from how all this is written
i gave you the case number, look next week im sure it will show that there was a 100k bond
This time I'm 100% convinced I'm right. It's the only thing that makes any sense. No other possible situation really matches up with what happened.

This right here.

It's all extremely hard to ignore if you look at the whole thing.
That is chem. He's even got the name trademarked.


just because you trademark logo or slogan design doesn't mean shit....especially a trade symbol that the patent office has no idea wtf they are looking into...even a symbol can be trademarked...u could write chickenscratch on a napkin and trademark the design if it was unique enuf

i could go trademark a cool looking logo of "Dan Kone" i want to put on tshirts and sell......it would get approved and I would own that trademark, unless you could prove you were selling goods with that logo or slogan design and that other people would confuse our two goods together in a marketplace.

and lets not forget that brief couple weeks when the trademark office accepted applications for cannabis strain names

its things like this that make me wonder about the opinions and facts in this whole thread lol
just because you trademark logo or slogan design doesn't mean shit....especially a trade symbol that the patent office has no idea wtf they are looking into...even a symbol can be trademarked...u could write chickenscratch on a napkin and trademark the design if it was unique enuf

i could go trademark a cool looking logo of "Dan Kone" i want to put on tshirts and sell......it would get approved and I would own that trademark, unless you could prove you were selling goods with that logo or slogan design and that other people would confuse our two goods together in a marketplace.

and lets not forget that brief couple weeks when the trademark office accepted applications for cannabis strain names

its means something when you trademark your own name and then are raided a week later. chemdog fail.

and the thing about trademarks is you can slightly alter the font to avoid trademark laws completely.
You're ignoring the fact that they were all from Arizona and according the the police officer said the informant had cooperated with him before. Come on now. Combined this with the fact that this is the second time bret has been accused of this before in the same police jurisdiction and the fact that bret had the best motivation to snitch, this really isn't that hard to figure out.

Why you're defending someone who's very likely a snitch is beyond me. Maybe he's your "friend" now, but do you really want friends where you have to always wonder if they are going to sell you out? I wouldn't. To each their own I guess.

Riddle me this: if your friend is correct, that bret's farm was raided a couple of weeks after he was hired by his company, that would put bret's farm raid date approx sept 14th. Your friends paperwork stated the police were contacted by a CRI they had used many times in the past, sept 20.
1) how could Bret's farm get raided by the same agency he is allegedly working as a CRI?
2) Being a CRI means you have testified against more than one defendant. One allegation in 2006 and one allegation now doesn't fit the profile of a CRI, so who are these other defendants that Bret would have had to testify against? Where are they? and why didn't anyone come out when Bret testified against them?
3) a friend of mine forwarded the following to me:

User 'doesnt matter' added comment to the article:
'Bret Bogue Released from Mendocino Jail'
(written by: 'Steve Bloom')

View this article at:
Subject of the comment:
'i am currently working with more than on'

The text of this comment is shown below:
i am currently working with more than one federal law enforcement agency
to tell them every-thing I know about that piece of shit Bret
Bogue...should take care of the little people bret....especially when they
are trained intelligence gathering experts like me!

Sounds like your friend has turned informant, not bret.
Riddle me this: if your friend is correct, that bret's farm was raided a couple of weeks after he was hired by his company, that would put bret's farm raid date approx sept 14th. Your friends paperwork stated the police were contacted by a CRI they had used many times in the past, sept 20.
1) how could Bret's farm get raided by the same agency he is allegedly working as a CRI?
2) Being a CRI means you have testified against more than one defendant. One allegation in 2006 and one allegation now doesn't fit the profile of a CRI, so who are these other defendants that Bret would have had to testify against? Where are they? and why didn't anyone come out when Bret testified against them?
3) a friend of mine forwarded the following to me:

User 'doesnt matter' added comment to the article:
'Bret Bogue Released from Mendocino Jail'
(written by: 'Steve Bloom')

View this article at:
Subject of the comment:
'i am currently working with more than on'

The text of this comment is shown below:
i am currently working with more than one federal law enforcement agency
to tell them every-thing I know about that piece of shit Bret
Bogue...should take care of the little people bret....especially when they
are trained intelligence gathering experts like me!

Sounds like your friend has turned informant, not bret.

Brets Farm got raided in Riverside county and im not positive about the date, i did a search online and it looks like sept 1
Here's a little fictional story I have written. Let me know your thoughts.

Mr. Jones gets arrested by local law enforcement. Mr. Jones believes that Mr. Smith "ratted him out." Mr. Jones decides he wants to get even with Mr. Smith, so Mr. Jones decides to work with "multiple federal agencies" to tell them everything Mr. Jones knows about "that low life piece of shit Mr. Smith" and his alleged illegal activites.

Mr. Jones meets with the feds. He tells the feds, "Hey, I got some information about Mr. Smith you may be interested in." "Really, Mr. Jones? What kind of information" asks the fed. Mr. Jones says "well, Mr. Smith told me he used to _______________________". The fed replies, "really Mr. Jones? Interesting. Do you have any names of these people?" Mr. Jones replies, "well, no." "Did you witness any of the _______________?" asks the fed. "well, no." replies Mr. Jones. "did you participate in ___________________ with Mr. SMith?" Mr. Jones replies, "well, no." The fed then states, "so basically everything you have told me cannot be corroborated, was not witnessed by you, nor do you have any real information for us, do you? Everything you have told us is heresay."

what is the moral of the story? Mr. Jones now has the attention of the federal gov't on him, not on Mr. Smith.
I agree!!!
Reality or should i say Jeanette i'm done talking to you, you know what Bret did and i know what bret did!

Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not Jeanette, I have no idea what Bret allegedly did, only what you have accused him of doing. After reading and listening to your "proof", I noticed a few inconsistencies in your theory.
1) your timeline doesn't add up. Fired on October 1, threats allegedly happened on oct 5, yet cops were contacted sept 20. This is YOUR timeline that YOU provided.
2) your voicemail you claim you had of Bret threatening to call cops does NOT contain any language of the sort, only attorneys, which is the proper way to handle a business dispute.

Maybe your "friend" can explain the inconsistencies. I know, I know, it's difficult to accept that what you have banked your theory on was debunked by your "friends" own documents, and that your "friend" just opened his life up to being scrutinized by the feds.

Tell your "friend" good luck with that.
So far only 2 people Believe Bret is not a rat, So be it.

For Everybody else, ill post updates as the court process progresses