Where did it go and why...

What habit? How many people are on those tapes, who the police take no interest in, and btw, have you even seen the surveillance tapes from Mr. Rubin, or just the youtube rants? and your most recent friend, did his bosses install surveillance cameras at the building? Could that be the tape your friend is talking about? Were there tapes made by the owners?

You act like he was just another customer coming in to by a 10 sack. The cops have him on tape bringing in 25 pounds! 25 pounds! The other, they have him bringing in the clones for the op. If the cops are raiding someone, how would they not want to look into the guy bringing in 25 pounds! So their whole case is on the undercover who bought $40 worth of bud. Are you saying they care about an 1/8 but don't care about 25 pounds? Yeah, that's a little difficult to believe.

And who cares who made the tape! Bret should be on both of them. On one he's bringing in the plants and I assume one of the people managing the op. On the other the cops have him bringing in 25 pounds on tape! The idea that the cops would bust these clubs and not bust bret is past hard to believe.
You act like he was just another customer coming in to by a 10 sack. The cops have him on tape bringing in 25 pounds! 25 pounds! The other, they have him bringing in the clones for the op. If the cops are raiding someone, how would they not want to look into the guy bringing in 25 pounds! So their whole case is on the undercover who bought $40 worth of bud. Are you saying they care about an 1/8 but don't care about 25 pounds? Yeah, that's a little difficult to believe.

And who cares who made the tape! Bret should be on both of them. On one he's bringing in the plants and I assume one of the people managing the op. On the other the cops have him bringing in 25 pounds on tape! The idea that the cops would bust these clubs and not bust bret is past hard to believe.

If Bret were hired to work for someone who made tapes, then of course he and everyone else who was in the building are on it. So what?
As for Mr. Rubin's theory, what 25 pounds? Have you seen the tapes of Mr. Rubin's? He doesn't bring anything in. No 25 pounds were even found on the premesis. That was his first visit ever to the Temple. Why not ask Mr. Rubin to see his tapes before you hitch your wagon to his star? You really should see the tapes, because all he does is go inside, and talk to Mr. Rubin. No transactions ever took place. Ever. Again, you need to see the tapes.

BTW, what is your friend's case number? Maybe then someone can go to court and see for themselves.
Hey Reality Checker
Yes i just opened this acct, My buddy the OP was banned for life (it said spam) What Spam?
if you dont believe me go to an orange county NORML meeting, there usually at fuddruckers in forest park or giovannis pizza in fullerton, and ask the VP if bret warned him not to go to the buildings that week. BRET SAID " dont go to the buildings next week because im calling the POLICE"
forget about everything else if somebody says there calling the police and the police come.
it doesnt take a genius to figure that out, im guessing your buddys with Bret or not very bright

That is unfortunate your friend was banned. Have you seen your buddies court paperwork? It will list the statment of probable cause, and what they presented to the judge for a search warrant.

Also, I did click on the link for a voicemail. Are there more than one, because the one posted only talks about lawyers and lawsuits. Never heard the word "cop" in it. Unless there is another one?
Lol fed I just had a good laugh too. I'll tell ya why I could care less about Brett. He advertises his shit in his website when it was up and j could get it nowhere. U would be lucky to find a cut. He guys not a breeder he's just a guy involved in he indistry who likes to run his mouth. As to if he's a snitch dont know don't care. I've formed an opinion on his. Company years ago and it wasn't very favorable. I labeled him as all talk. If he didn't do it too had he's gettin such bad press. If he did karma will get his ass

coming from you of all people this is freaking hilarious!
If Bret were hired to work for someone who made tapes, then of course he and everyone else who was in the building are on it. So what?
As for Mr. Rubin's theory, what 25 pounds? Have you seen the tapes of Mr. Rubin's? He doesn't bring anything in. No 25 pounds were even found on the premesis. That was his first visit ever to the Temple. Why not ask Mr. Rubin to see his tapes before you hitch your wagon to his star? You really should see the tapes, because all he does is go inside, and talk to Mr. Rubin. No transactions ever took place. Ever. Again, you need to see the tapes.

So he made it all up and there was no 25 pounds and bret just dropped in to say hi? I see.

Either a whole bunch of people bret used to do business with are just making up stuff for no reason, or bret is lying.

Considering the first thing bret did when he got here was spew out a bunch of massive lies, it makes his side of the story very difficult to believe.
coming from you of all people this is freaking hilarious!

Lol ha ha ha I love how this guy follows me around just to call me a liar lol must be a boring day for ya stak you should smoke a bowl or go out man there's bitches out at night u know? But that's probably not your scene lol
Where did I talk about him having seeds and cuts I stated the opposite. As I said you would be lucky to find a cut of one of his so called strains. I have a grape ape cut. I'm sure it. Sme from him at some point but as to his source of it I don't know and I doubt all his claims because his website is bullshit. When he had good standing which wasn for long u couldn't even get his seeds. I know because I inquired. No response so I doubt he ever had any period. If u do searches on all his strains online I can't find a single grow where it says started from seed they are all cuts and he most likely was gifted them and he named wm his bullshit names to push em off. He's a joke

Kaptain Kron
Bret has NO SEEDS and NO CUTTINGS period, i was with him every day, his farm in Riverside county also got busted you can look it up.

His whole life is a scam my guess is he had a VERY good cutting that he got from somebody called it KAI Kush entered in the cup and won

I asked him point blank do you have any seeds he said NO, how do you create a strain with NO SEEDS
So he made it all up and there was no 25 pounds and bret just dropped in to say hi? I see.

Either a whole bunch of people bret used to do business with are just making up stuff for no reason, or bret is lying.

Considering the first thing bret did when he got here was spew out a bunch of massive lies, it makes his side of the story very difficult to believe.

I have my own theory about Mr. Rubin's mental health, I knew him. I don't think you have ever met him or not. Probably not. Bret never did business with Mr. Rubin. He went to visit the Temple for the first time the day it was raided in 2006. Bret didn't live in So cal then. He had just been busted in Mendocino.

Mr. Rubin is convinced that the feds are running the clubs in LA, that they use the $$$ from it to fund their blackops. Mr. Rubin stood up in court during his own trial and stated it. Mr. Rubin has even accused Robert Shapiro of Legalzoom of cooperating with LEO's in exchange for his case. Mr. Rubin discussed his conspiracy theory on the Alex Jones show. And to this day, he believes Bret is a CIA OPERATIVE. Not DEA, Not LA County, CIA!!! Even when the undercover officer Tracy Fields testified at his trial that she joined the temple 3 days prior, and bought $40 worth of "sacrament" he still believes the federal government set him up.
Mr. Rubin also spliced together his surveillance tapes to make it appear the cops come in when Bret leaves when they raided the place 3 hours later, and sent it around to every magazine, high times, Marc Emory, even the DA office in Mendocino county who was prosecuting Bret. Go to Mr. Rubin's facebook page, and send him a message asking him if he believes Bret is a federal cia operative.

Whole bunch of people? Mr. Rubin in 2006 and your friend now. that's a whole bunch of people? Again, you obviously haven't seen Mr. Rubin's video, you cannot authenticate anything you say is on it. Ask Mr. Rubin for the tapes. See it with your own eyes. But pay close attention to the time stamps. BTW, are you aware the Temple420 nwas not a dispensary? It was a temple, a place of holy worship where Mr. Rubin sold "sacrament" in the back.
You should really get the whole Rubin story before you go swearing by his statements.

And you never said if your friend has his court discovery documents, or his case number so we can all go to his trial and see if it is Bret testifying against him. What's up with his case number?
Lol ha ha ha I love how this guy follows me around just to call me a liar lol must be a boring day for ya stak you should smoke a bowl or go out man there's bitches out at night u know? But that's probably not your scene lol

god you're a dumbass. no one is following you anywhere. I've been following this thread since the beginning since I was following the original thread as well. and it's hilarious that you try to talk shit about someone being on here too much. let me let you in on a little secret other members can search and see what you've been doing on this board lately. And guess what? you've been on here all fucking day with only a very short break. so dude, if you're gonna talk shit at least try not to be a hypocrite. fucking special ed failures.
For anyone that wandered in late and didn't buy a program, 'reality checker' is Bret Bogue, pretending to be somebody that has his back.
god you're a dumbass. no one is following you anywhere. I've been following this thread since the beginning since I was following the original thread as well. and it's hilarious that you try to talk shit about someone being on here too much. let me let you in on a little secret other members can search and see what you've been doing on this board lately. And guess what? you've been on here all fucking day with only a very short break. so dude, if you're gonna talk shit at least try not to be a hypocrite. fucking special ed failures.

Please, nobody gives a fuck. This thread isn't about either one of you.
Im friends with the original poster, Bret had him banned for life on this site.

If Bret has told anybody he has seeds he's lying, he has no seeds no genetics. when he was terminated he had 20 VERY SMALL plants (Teens) that he got from friends.
When they raided his farm in Riverside County the cops took all his plants, Hence he has no genetics! i asked him if he had any seeds he said NO

For those of you who believe Bret's BS story, you were WARNED. Do be crying when he gets you caught up in something.

ALSO Bret is Desperate and Busted, he lives in a 2 bedroom apartment and currently has his BMW on Craigslist because he cant afford the payment. When Bret was terminated he thought he should be paid for OCT even though he was terminated in Sept. he told the OP he couldnt even pay his rent.(desperate people do desperate things)

Alright, I'll post something because I know too much about this guy.

1st: I am not certain that Bret snitched either time, but I am certain that avoiding him is a good idea. I am certain that he is a narcissistic sociopath so I would not put anything past him, ever.

2nd: Bret (if you are reading), don't ever threaten Dan Kone again. People say horrible things about you all the time, and I choose to say the nicest things I can. Dan has every right to post whatever he wants, these rumors about you are everywhere, not just coming from RIU. Dan has very good standing here at RIU for his contributions. Don't make a bad situation worse. We have every right to talk about this, as a patient safety issue, considering your past and the rumors about you.

3rd: Grape Ape is a lame ass purp, like all the other purps, and that is the only notable creation of his iirc. (good lawd he did not breed chemdog) 16% THC tops for Grape Ape... super low like all purp.

4th: Cannabis cups are a joke and mean nothing. You all should see how everyone avoided Bret at the last cup, like he has a contagious disease.

5th: lets not turn against each other here. We all want to know what really went down. Attacking each other will not bring forth the truth. Bret will not bring forth the truth. This Rubin character will not, obviously. All we can do is post facts and make educated guesses as to how it went down.
Oh hell yeah. Thx man!

I guess Mr Hollywood can't stop me from having an opinion!

I am not speaking as a moderator here. I have no authority outside the outdoor forum. I am speaking as a forum rat who wants to know the truth. Accusations of being a snitch are serious. His associates can't say either way so I with hold judgement. Sussing out the truth and examining the claims is worthy and what we do. Bullying members of RIU (I think we are technically in Canada right now) is not going to fly.

Mr Hollywood, lmao. At best Bret is infamous for the accusations on this thread. That is his most well known legacy as of now. I don't think we will ever know what really happened. Much like the rest of history, its just bits and pieces.
His associates can't say either way so I with hold judgement

Hopefully there will be more to come there once discovery starts.

Mr Hollywood, lmao. At best Bret is infamous for the accusations on this thread. That is his most well known legacy as of now. I don't think we will ever know what really happened. Much like the rest of history, its just bits and pieces.

He's been on TV! Just ask him, he'll tell you! He told me about it several times without even having to ask!