Where did it go and why...

he really is and its a shame to see someone as talented and in this scene with good motives, as himself get bashed with a lack of facts. Like i said, dude talked to me for over an hour, just bullshittin and talking growing and the whole situation, that constitutes a real dude if you ask me. Dude LOVES to grow and breed, (fucking obviously) so how can one say he potentially, "stole" one of the top strains around today based on hearsay? quite the accusations mate.
may i ask where all of your information has come from everyone? it all sounds like a hearsay at this point and putting false titles on one of the greatest breeders alive. You think that that breeder in salmon creek was the original breeder of Grape Ape why? because he CLAIMS to it? that my friend is the definition of hearsay. Dont defame one of the greatest strains around and the breeder who put god knows hos much time and effort into creating it. If that breeder is in fact the breeder of grape ape he must have at least mothers and a grip of seeds to prove it no? I just got off of the phone with Bret and we spoke for an hour. Let me tell you guys that you should find the thread that he WILLINGLY posted his number on for someone to call and get the facts. Give him a call and let me know if you still feel the same way about the situation. Plus why so much hate guys? what do you have against the guy? all hearsay and preconceived notions with ZERO factual backup.
And P.S. you guys think he gets those posts taken down and therefor constituting him a snitch? Dude has an internet team that knows every post with his name anywhere and on top of that he knowe EVERY forum founder of the main ones here, mr. nice, thc farm, etc so good luck spreading all of this shit any further than a few pages of nonsense.

so because you spoke with him on the phone and he told you his side of the story,you believe him,and we all are idiots?..hearsay!!!

he now has your phone number,and you will be raided...k thanks bye.
he really is and its a shame to see someone as talented and in this scene with good motives, as himself get bashed with a lack of facts. Like i said, dude talked to me for over an hour, just bullshittin and talking growing and the whole situation, that constitutes a real dude if you ask me. Dude LOVES to grow and breed, (fucking obviously) so how can one say he potentially, "stole" one of the top strains around today based on hearsay? quite the accusations mate.

sounds like you guys talked and hes sending you seeds that he prolly ripped a seedbank off for and calling it his own..lawl..are you gonna send him a hearted box of chocolates and scented candles?

so in your bromance defence...where is the evidence to support your case?
he really is and its a shame to see someone as talented and in this scene with good motives, as himself get bashed with a lack of facts. Like i said, dude talked to me for over an hour, just bullshittin and talking growing and the whole situation, that constitutes a real dude if you ask me. Dude LOVES to grow and breed, (fucking obviously) so how can one say he potentially, "stole" one of the top strains around today based on hearsay? quite the accusations mate.

A real dude that likes to snitch and lie to cover his ass! A "real dude" as I'm assuming you meant, wouldn't run to a fucking lawsuit every chance they get! Threatening to sue Dan Kone for Slander! I hope the SNITCH BRET BOUGE rots in hell! So quick to run to a lawyer, just a quick to run to the police!!!! Don't worry, when you decide to do business with him and you get raided, we'll believe you!

If i ever see Bret at any mmj/weed event I will be very vocal about his snitching!!! Hope to see you soon Bret!
may i ask where all of your information has come from everyone? it all sounds like a hearsay at this point and putting false titles on one of the greatest breeders alive. You think that that breeder in salmon creek was the original breeder of Grape Ape why? because he CLAIMS to it? that my friend is the definition of hearsay. Dont defame one of the greatest strains around and the breeder who put god knows hos much time and effort into creating it. If that breeder is in fact the breeder of grape ape he must have at least mothers and a grip of seeds to prove it no? I just got off of the phone with Bret and we spoke for an hour. Let me tell you guys that you should find the thread that he WILLINGLY posted his number on for someone to call and get the facts. Give him a call and let me know if you still feel the same way about the situation. Plus why so much hate guys? what do you have against the guy? all hearsay and preconceived notions with ZERO factual backup.
And P.S. you guys think he gets those posts taken down and therefor constituting him a snitch? Dude has an internet team that knows every post with his name anywhere and on top of that he knowe EVERY forum founder of the main ones here, mr. nice, thc farm, etc so good luck spreading all of this shit any further than a few pages of nonsense.

I call bullshit!!! Conman is a perfect name for you because you are a scam!!

Your first post was the same day the original thread was started and you were asking where to get Bret's genetics. https://www.rollitup.org/seed-strain-reviews/485751-critical-mass.html#post6614268

Now you say you spoke to him for an hour? Did you ask for is gear while you were speaking to him? No because you are him and you are both bullshit. How fucking stupid do you think we are?

Let's get this straight... I think you are a festering cocksore and a blight on this forum.
Okay, perfect i have a bite, so sir, what is your evidence deeming Bret a Snitch? the few and quite vague reports on the incidents that are on the internet? of course youd believe those over actually listening to the dude. Its called being open minded people, i didnt call him wanting to suck his dick and ask for seeds, (which lets be real, if you called Bogue youd ask him about seeds yourself hoping you could grow like him) i called him to HEAR HIM OUT. And that i did, haha where would you like me to start? the videos? those were security cameras on an operation that hired him for his consulting. he didnt grow for em, he did what he did at apothecary and that was CONSULT people about their technique and that was the extent of it. The situation I am speaking of (and it may very well be different from that of which you are talking about) was clearly a setup to try to nail HIM but they couldnt, all he does is consult through apothecary at the time. And when they realized, "oh hey this guy is really by the book and simply a consultant" they got crooked. Im sure you didnt see the 5 minutes spliced from the tape ( i found one with the time slots on it if you want) to make it look like Bret rolled up with NARCs or whatever, when in all reality they rolled up on him. When he tells me these dudes are growing WAY over their limit, stuffing FAR too many plants into one building, and leaving the plastic film on their lights, that is a tell tale sign that the whole thing was crooked FAR before they called Bogue in for his assistance. Wouldnt you want to shut someone up who is falsely saying youre a Snitch? common sense boys. ya threatening to sue them will shut them up. Bogue doesnt do the whole forum thing, nad you know why, because every time he does get on here people like you bash him and say hes a NARC or whatever you say. Makes him seem like he has to defend himself so naturally hes going to have one of his internet team members shut him the fuck up. Did that dude cal Bret? nope and why not? because he is simply throwing stones and he knows when confronted with the man himself, he will not stand a chance BECAUSE IT IS ALL HEARSAY. Like i said, im not a Bret Bogue cock rider like you all so eagerly assumed. Do i admire his skill? fuck yes i do. Do you guys not? I'm sorry i admire a talented breeder and grower; i guess that means i get seeds and send him shit. HA keep talking shit and see how far that gets you. I simply commented on this to discuss something but so far, and i dont mean to be offensive as you all demonstrated right off the bat, but you are being quite narrow minded. And im not even going to acknowledge the whole strain thing you guys are BS'ing about. You dont think if he "stole" grape ape the dude you claim to be the father of the strain would have spoken out about that shit? i didnt read any articles about "cannabis cup winner steals strains" on high times. that story doesnt hold up. So in conclusion, you can bash the dude all you want, you can call me a bogue lover or whatever the troll said up there, at the end of the day youre not gonna call him to hear his side of it, as cliche as it is, there are two if not more sides to every story and you dont want to hear his side, deeming you, narrow minded trolls. Its pretty easy to bash someone on the forums from behind a computer screen huh? especially without exhausting all of the resources for information on the subject. I would have thought you would have at least called him since youre all OH so knowledgeable and seemingly "passionate" on the subject and you started a thread concerning it.. If i wanted to play the hate game i could easily sit here and throw stones back at you guys but as you can see im clearly here to say what i know, spread information on the subject, and you can take it as you please. Thats why i joined this forum, to gain and spread information, so dont post a thread if you arent prepared to hear BOTH sides of it. thats not how it works. You cant start a thread with a couple of buddies and totally disregard everyone elses input. if thats what you're after I would say you all have promising careers campaigning as politicians. But if you want to start getting personal and hurling insults my way, saying i desire a bromance from the dude, when all i did was listen to him, then lets go boys.
No. My last post wasn't about him being a snitch. I was saying that you are a liar but good try at deflecting. A few days ago in your first post you asked who knew where to get his gear. Now you say you spoke to him for an hour and anyone that wants to can just call him because he's your buddy.

Here's the thing.... If he's not a rat, narc, informant he still is a fucking prick! He lied in his response to the other post then instead of defending himself he has the thread removed and threatens to sue people. Fucking prick has no balls is a liar and a bitch to boot. You are probably him and are also a fucking liar. Now get back to debating I he is a NARC or not that is another thing altogether. I am talking about his actions here being fucked and his message on dudes phone to be fucked and you are just a living ass.

If he wanted his "side" of the story out he could have posted it instead of having the post taken down and threatening legal action.
CRITICAL MASS BOGUES GEAR? Critical mass was derived from big bud strains by Mr. NICE and SHANTI.... i will say it again, get your facts straight and then try to have a discussion with me. I do not even mean that offensively but if someone is going to argue with me about something, at least have a general idea of what youre talking about. And no i am not Bret but i would love to be able to breed and have his knowledge of the craft. I still cant believe you just said Critical was his gear.... hahahaha wow man...
CRITICAL MASS BOGUES GEAR? Critical mass was derived from big bud strains by Mr. NICE and SHANTI.... i will say it again, get your facts straight and then try to have a discussion with me. I do not even mean that offensively but if someone is going to argue with me about something, at least have a general idea of what youre talking about. And no i am not Bret but i would love to be able to breed and have his knowledge of the craft.

So you are his lover?
CRITICAL MASS BOGUES GEAR? Critical mass was derived from big bud strains by Mr. NICE and SHANTI.... i will say it again, get your facts straight and then try to have a discussion with me. I do not even mean that offensively but if someone is going to argue with me about something, at least have a general idea of what youre talking about. And no i am not Bret but i would love to be able to breed and have his knowledge of the craft. I still cant believe you just said Critical was his gear.... hahahaha wow man...

Where it says critical mass in my post is where the link is to the thread you started.... Genius
HAHAHA ^^^ TROLLS WILL BE TROLLS^^^^ "his gear" implying that Critical is his gear. you can try to argue all you want but after that... smh.... im not sure this is going anywhere my friend... Go smoke a doob and read a strain book. Idk about you but i hate all of this negative energy. not really my style, especially when it doesnt concern me, i said what i wanted to say about bogue, but now I get attacked? thats find bro but you wont win... so im just here for the sake of argument at this point. you can chose to drop it at any point big guy. BTW were you the guy claiming Bogue stole GRAPE APE?
Where did I ever say that was his strain? When people see your other thread (remember the critical mass link) people will see that you have no reading comprehension and you are full of shit.

...and no i never said he stole a strain, never heard of the guy before 3 days ago and don't care what he did or didn't make.
Refer to other thread as i admitted to misreading, poor eyesight, gotta love it! And how have you never heard of Bret until 3 days ago? you never heard of fuckin grape ape before or what mate?GDP? Kai Kush? On the real though keep an eye out for apothecary Skywalker OG. i realize you wont understand that this is nt an insult but by posting on here and trying to argue with me about Bogue after knowing the name for 3 days as you said? makes you seem like a bandwagon hater... I realize it is easy to jump on the bandwagon and bash a dude but seeing as you have only known the name for a few days, i dont see how you can do so and do so in a factual manor. It sounds like all you know of him is what you have HEARD which brings me back to all of this hearsay nonesense. Just get all of the info you can and formulate YOUR OWN opinions on the guy and dont jump to bash a world class breeder simply off of these threads.
Furthermore, if you go to bogues prof you see that Dan Kone saying he will hear him out, yet you try to attack me for what? the same reason! I heard the guy out. Dan and i are on the same page in the fact that we both are trying to be REASONABLE and not narrow minded. yet you all, like a seemingly hungry pack of wolves try to come at me? i mean im game guys, but lets not get it twisted that my true motives here are all information based and not personal. CHEERS
Am I saying I never heard of those strains? No. I sit at an accordion desk as I type this and have for years and don't know who invented the fucking thing, or this Dell,for that matter. I dont know who the architect or builder was that designed or built the house I'm sitting in... Shit I haven't seen a fucking high times magazine since summer school in '89.

That's right , never heard of the guy before that post. I read the letter from his "people" , saw his responses here, hear the recording of him talking shit and searched google on him and found some shit from the past. With those things I formed an opinion which I am entitled to. The guy is a prick, doesn't matter if he invented marijuana in the 1st place... A asshole is an asshole and in the past few days he has proven to be just that.
Okay finally we are getting somewhere here! snaps for us! fuck...You are ABSOLUTELY entitled to your opinion! And if you say " i feel this way about him because he is a prick and an asshole" then i would say okay, thats that, your opinion. But thats not how you went about it. You presented it as he is a snitch and all of that other hearsay, when had you said i feel this way because i think he is a prick, we would not be having this argument now would we? Do i think that your information gathered was a bit vague? yes i do. but since you are saying that you feel this way because oh his overall mannerisms and him being an ass in your eyes then i will not argue any further! unless you want to then im down...
I just threw it up there for others to process and come to a conclusion of their own. Grasp that? Can ya jock a fucker any harder? Think not.
I just threw it up there for others to process and come to a conclusion of their own. Grasp that? Can ya jock a fucker any harder? Think not.
Quite vague my man. So in regards to your first question, No, i do not grasp what you "threw up" for the others, i am guessing you are referring to your opinions so ok we got that one. Now as for what "fuckers are being jocked" i am not so sure oh whom you speak.
Quite vague my man. So in regards to your first question, No, i do not grasp what you "threw up" for the others, i am guessing you are referring to your opinions so ok we got that one. Now as for what "fuckers are being jocked" i am not so sure oh whom you speak.
You're either Bret him self. Or one of his cock sucking followers. Considereding you joined Nov 0f 2011 right when all this kicked off. Just because your a dumb ass does not mean everybody else is ok :). Either way your screen name is Conman.... Haha kinda moronic don't you think.
This individual is a complete piece of shit you're just either to dumb or gullible to realize it.Well good luck failing in life enjoy ;)
I'm sure a simple IP check can verify this as well.