Where can I hang my weed to dry?

I would take a black widow bite over a brown recluse, scary bastards.

I spray my outdoor room also before growing. I grow from fall to spring in an out building that has the same issues. I have no spiders or insects.
I rarely see Black Widows, but see Browns pretty often. And yea, scary bastards. I’ve lived in the country for 22 years now, and have never been bitten…scorpions, I’ve been stung about 5-6 times.
I rarely see Black Widows, but see Browns pretty often. And yea, scary bastards. I’ve lived in the country for 22 years now, and have never been bitten…scorpions, I’ve been stung about 5-6 times.
Been bit by a brown recluse, right on the behind. Still have the mark. Was not pleasant, but I got very lucky in that it was not a full dose of poison (venom?) And it healed on its own without intervention.

My girlfriend on the other hand, found out she's allergic after getting bitten on the shoulder. She almost asphyxiated in her sleep before our second date. Didn't know she even got bit until she went to the hospital.
I rarely see Black Widows, but see Browns pretty often. And yea, scary bastards. I’ve lived in the country for 22 years now, and have never been bitten…scorpions, I’ve been stung about 5-6 times.
Growing up in west canada, we had scorpions, black widows, rattle snakes, bears, and cougars (not milfs). I find brown recluse in southwest ontario. Hate them.
Used to live in a swampy area and we were overrun with black widows. Didn't bother me so much, but we had young kids at the time so kinda scary. So glad we moved out of there, for many reasons, but being unable to cut the grass because the entire backyard was springy-spongey, was the biggest annoyance I had.
Stick it in a box put a bunch of holes around it, have a fan blowing at the box and it will get just the right amount of air going through it. You could also put a small computer fan on the side of the box sucking air out. Ideal drying temps and RH are great but not feasible for many.

What I do is string a clothesline across the room or area I wish to dry in. Then I hang the stems/stalks with the trimmed buds still attached upside down using cloths pins. Although I've never tried it outdoors or in a out-building, as long as it wasn't raining or damp I think it would probably work.

Oh and there's nothing wrong with having spiders on your plants/buds. It's actually a good thing as spiders prey on insects that may come along and try and hurt your plants(ie plant predators). What you don't want is spider MITES, but they are completely different than real spiders. Real spiders won't hurt your plants/buds at all.

Good luck.
have a fan in the box blowing outside and a few holes on the other end to have a passive intake.wet air
goes out fresh comes in

or dry it in a winefridge it gives out small amounts of smell. if you turn on a carbon filter in the same room nothing is there
Back in the day we'd pinch a few early buds and put them in a paper bag on the dash . It worked for the times you had nothing else .
Thats what this was....I was out of weed and my truck was sitting in the sun....A few hours later I was toking.

I remember as a kid driving around using the dome light to dry nugs....Desperate times...