Where Can I Get...


Well-Known Member
have a look on pickandmixseeds, they sell single seeds.
maybe grab a few differant flavours!


Well-Known Member
Do I really have to pay £15 for 1 seed! thats a bit drastic no matter how good it is. May just stick with Easy Ryders.


Well-Known Member
I found NL for reasonable price just not NL#5.
Basically I am looking for low odor strains, any more suggestions?


Well-Known Member
All my seeds come of PnM, never had no probs germing or herming.
I like a bit of variety and personally i wouldnt pay 15 bob for 1 seed, i normally go for the cheese family, around 4 quid for a seed.
I was just thinking if you was going to spend say £100 on 10 fem beans, i would rather get a few diff strains, but thats me!
good luck anyhow!