Where can I get CO2 from?


Well-Known Member
Ok.. first off, I do not want a gas burner... so dont suggest it.. lol..

Where can I get a tank filled up with CO2? Can I just fill it up using an air compressor or what? haha

Im thinking about getting the timing system from HTG for CO2.. where can I get a bottle and where can I get it filled?


Well-Known Member
I don't know really, I just got a tank for free because my buddy works there. I'm sure if you're tight with any of them, they wouldn't care.


Active Member
Dry ice easy cheap no mess raise your co2 level turn off all exhaust. seal the room. Place in stirofoam coolers with holes in the top. 5 lbs for a 6x 6 x 8 ft room.


Well-Known Member
ok... but when do I do this? Considering I cannot have all of the exhaust off while the light is on because of the heat factor... how EXACTLY do I do this? How do I read how much PPM is in the room? How do I know when I can turn my exhaust back on?

Are there any tutorials on this?


Sector 5 Moderator
Check with a welding supply company. Buy your own tank and have it refilled. The beer company will assume it's to power your kegs.


Well-Known Member
welding supply shop paintball stores any liquor store that has kegs will usually exchange bottles for you.


Active Member
i used to be had core into paintball and a 5 ft bottle of c02 which im not sure how much that is but its a shit load cost me about 17 bucks to fill up at a local welding shop.... I leased the bottle for 3 years for 120 bucks


Well-Known Member
I'd think you would want a vented light if you were going to use CO2. Unless you get your CO2 for free.


Active Member
i saw your message about the co2...co2 is readily available for anyone, and it's not suspicious to get it... you can buy a tank from a welding supply store...they have alot of them around... usually outside you only see the real big 5 foot tall tanks, but they ahve little ones too, like 1ft/1.5 ft.. i'm not sure what they will run you.. maybe 50-100 for the tank... my old boss used to have a little one like that and get it filled because he had a beer tap in his house... you would need to get the flow meter and tubing and i think a solenoid switch.. i think i saw a setup at a hydro place on the net for maybe 150...so you're talking close to 250-300 for the initial setup.. but then all you need to do is refill the tank which is maybe 20 bux? however, i bookmarked this page from the site a few days ago, and i think i'm going to try this method (note, it's post #2, not post #1 that i'm going to try) https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/706-cheap-way-make-co2-your.html

let me know what you decide to do and how it goes..



Active Member
If you have a party supply store near you, they usually sell CO2 but it might not be as cheap as you would like. A better option is soft drink distributors, such as Pepsi or Coke, and they have it in both the larger and smaller tanks.


Well-Known Member
If you don't mind a little DIY project, you can easily make available as much co2 as you want with little effort and virtually no cost to you.

Fermentation produces massive amounts of CO2. Buy a packet of active yeast (brewer or bakers' yeast will work), some sugar, and water. Mix the sugar and the water in equal amounts in whatever plastic bottle you want, relative to the amount of carbon dioxide you want to produce. Add in the yeast, and shake it up. Bubbles will form eventually- this is the yeast producing the CO2 by the process of fermenting the sugar. This literally costs at most about $2.00 per bottle, and there's no limit to how much you can produce. Depending on the amount you put in there, this bottle will last a few weeks.

There's a decent tutorial with pictures on here, but I basically just described the process.



Active Member
Jorges cervantes marijuana growers guide is the bible and explains all. When your light is out, your exhaust off, circulation fans on, put 5 lbs of dry ice in a bucket for the duration of the off light period. This will raise the co2 level. Its not rocket science. I do this about once a week because 5lbs dry ice is about 5.00


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I use 20 lb co2 tanks.I fill them at local welding supply store.Costs about $24 here which is kinda high.A new tank will run about $150 used 20 lb tank aroun 90-120.You will need the valve and solenoid as you have to inject on a timed setup during lights on and keep the ppm between 1200-1500 ppm in the air