Where can i buy RooR pipes besides EDIT?


Well-Known Member
EDIT is out of stock for all RooR steamrollers except for the large, but i have a bong so i dont need a large steamroller. I want to buy the small streamroller but i cant find it anywhere except for at roor-bongs.com, but these guys charge $20 to ship a tiny $20 steamroller. Also, weedcity has them in stock but i have heard aweful things about them from everyone.
So where can i buy my steamroller? I really want one for 420:hump:
yea, but they also charge $30 in shipping. At least they are shipping it from germany so i can understand, but roor-bongs wanting $40 for a $20 pipe is just redic
Thanks for the comment though
found it on EDIT racerboy, they got the small and medium steamrollers in today. Just finished placing the order a minute ago