Where can I buy mushroom spores that will ship to the US?

Nice guys, I've had some set backs, but I think i should be ready to start really soon. Is this gonna be something I can throw in the room I grow my weed, or is that a bad idea? I'm trying to plan my space before I get too involved, and if I can shove it in the corner of a grow, that would be better, thanks for the help
I've been online for a few hours now, searching for mushroom spores, all I see are "we do not ship to USA" I've tried google, I've tried looking through the pages of RIU, I'm getting a lot of info on how to grow them, or getting dried shrooms mailed, but nothing on the actual spores, and when I find a site that sells shroom spores, "we don't ship to you"

So... Does anyone know of a good, stealthy place I can buy spores, and a kit (I saw the one on here, looks good, I might not buy a kit, just follow the instructions) AND they ship to the US??
and another question, this one is stupid, I am aware of it, but I need this info so I can tell someone else how stupid they are for thinking of it:
how do I make molly? or fuck, LSD for that matter. I am thinking that 90% of the ingredients are gonna be illegal, or hard as hell for me to get. I don't think its worth my time, unless I can find a good way to make it without burning my skin off and dying.

please help, 'specially with the first question, the second is mostly for laughs, but still, I am curious[/QUOTE
I just got some from sporetech. They were 10 a syringe but 2get one free. I sent money in the mail with a hand written order and all was we'll. They even gave me the free syringe I requested. The only problems was they were not very concentrated and had a poor germination rate so if you do order from them I would use one syringe to inoculate two jars to insure success.I had three syringes amd I used one to four jars and it's been 12 days and colonizing only took place in one jar of each strain.
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This guy "SWIM" Is able to make almost every street drug you can think about except those two... It takes a extremely good chemist that knowstheir shit to accomplish manufacturing substances like those.
I have done the morning glories and at the right dosage it's pretty freaking sweet. I have to grind up about 300-400 seeds but it was like a 8 hour super intense sativa high

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Rollitup mobile app
I have done the morning glories and at the right dosage it's pretty freaking sweet. I have to grind up about 300-400 seeds but it was like a 8 hour super intense sativa high

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Rollitup mobile app

Mike, check any of these vendors. All are in the USA and some may be pretty close to you! Remember tho the spores are strictly meant for microscopic study, do not inoculate them bc that my friend would be illegal. http://www.shroomery.org/sponsors.php I personally use Spore Depot and Spore Works however any of them vendors listed in that link will be top notch. I hear iffy things about FreeSpores tho so Id avoid them. Lil Shop Of Spores and Hawks Eye is also very good.
OK what you want to do is called "chemistry class"

head back to your high school and see if Mr.White is still teaching there.

lol I had a chemistry teacher in HS that surely messed around with the sid. he was a loopy old dude who just loved to be goofy and tell storys the whole class. I didn't learn a damn thing because I was just laughing at how he acted.