Where Are The Pure Sativa Strains At?!

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Hence my confusion. It's hard to tell, but the top cola was thick, like a nerf football. It seems as Serious Seeds had two main versions of their Kali Mist. "We are proud to announce that Kali Mist was improved in 2000 to produce bigger yields."

...and how do you do that exactly? Maybe add some INDICA! dun dun duhhhhhhhhh (the devil)
that's exactly what likely hapened...... can't believe they say they're proud to anounce that....
The high was still spectacular though. Very cerebral, and it gave you this warm feeling in your forehead. Didn't leave you feeling tired at all. My buddy said it felt like his head turned into a match. He was pretty adamant about it.
The high was still spectacular though. Very cerebral, and it gave you this warm feeling in your forehead. Didn't leave you feeling tired at all. My buddy said it felt like his head turned into a match. He was pretty adamant about it.
still sounds hybridish ;)
that's exactly what likely hapened...... can't believe they say they're proud to anounce that....
The quote below is a summation of an article about Kali Mist from their website...

Kali mist's birth was in 1993.
In 1995, it was elected best hydro weed at the High Times Cannabis cup.
The initial creation was available until 1997 when Simon gave it a new father in effort to improve the average yields.
In 1998, Kali Mist was once again reworked for two reasons: a bust and the fact that people didn't like the 'revision' as much as the previous offering.
It was reworked with a 3rd male of closely related genetic lines to the original father which restored it's near pure sativa character.
In 2000, it won the sativa category of the High Times Cup.
From my personal stash:

"We are proud to announce that Kali Mist was improved in 2000 to produce bigger yields."
i KNEW i read something OFFICIAL about kali mist being reworked! i guess the extra indica part was just a rumor though.

so how's the buzz & flavor of your KM? is it still spicy hot crushed red pepper with a happy giddy buzz you can't sit still on? i actually have 1 bean left i was thinking of breeding with if it's a male, but i read a RUMOR somewhere (a magazine i think) that KM tends to have more females than males.

it isn't my favorite buzz of all time, but when i finally got some, it was definitely my second favorite in large part because of that delicious spicy flavor and i begged & pleaded to score an eigth until i stopped bidding at $120. talk about a crop tease! all i'd been smoking for over 10 years was annoying NY stoner bud.

if you want something that smokes a lot like kali mist, but is faster & maybe better yielding, C99, joey weed's in particular, has a very similar buzz, just without that cambodian western winds spice. KM also has a rep as "a favorite with the women & good for menstrual cramps" which i think might translate to "the high euphoria levels cancel a woman's inner bitch when she's on the rag", but i'm no doctor. i just play one in gynecologists' waiting rooms.
man every time I read new posts in this thread I'm just thankful I got a sativa dominant strain to even get a sense of what true sativa feels like... seriously can't wait to try atleast one of these epics mentioned in this thread...
so, i don't recall you ever saying how your lady blazes. share with the rest of the class. is she trippy? speedy? euphoric?
she's more of the dreamy/euphoric type. kinda leaves you staring off but somewhat motivated at the same time, very inspired thoughts most of all. its not a very get you up out of your seat kinda weed BUT it is the kind of weed that will inspire such thoughts that get you out of your seat....

VERY smooth smoke... thats one thing I've noticed about sativas... they seem to blaze WAY smoother than indicas.

definitely good apetite stimulation too
so how's the buzz & flavor of your KM? is it still spicy hot crushed red pepper with a happy giddy buzz you can't sit still on? i actually have 1 bean left i was thinking of breeding with if it's a male, but i read a RUMOR somewhere (a magazine i think) that KM tends to have more females than males.
Not sure if you're talking to me but I'll answer since she's my fave :). My kali yields a clear-headed, motivating high with zero paranoia and a sense that everything is right in the world. It'll bring a blissful smile to your face and makes you happy to be alive. It's a total social smoke and it makes me kinda chatty. If I smoke alone then I find myself talking to myself :oops:. It gives this kind of rushy, euphoric feeling and the buzz is a total creeper. Probably one of my favorite things about this strain is that it has no tired comedown. She lets you down very gently. The aroma at harvest is spicy but has a candied lavender scent. When dry, she's just sweet and spicy, only when squeezed does that lavender scent come out. The flavor to me isn't like crushed red pepper but it is spicy and pleasant. I guess it depends on the size of the hit.

I happened to get 5 out of 11 females which is fewer females than the other Serious Seed strains I've grown.
yes i WAS talking to you and the buzz sounds EXACTLY like the "i can't sit down & listen to tunes on this, so i guess i'll just clean house instead la la la la don't worry... be happy". i'd call the buzz a lot like a good happy shroom trip with 5 cups of coffee that don't give you jitters. maybe you got the newer version i THOUGHT i remember hearing about. i sampled it around '97, a few years before the fruitier sounding redo. i can picture the old flavor being too much for people that don't like spicy foods. it was lip burning hot when i was gifted a gram and i loved it. i don't like kung po chicken unless it makes you sweat.

if my last bean is a gal & pops, i'll have an idea what to expect, but i think it might be past it's prime as the last 1 or 2 i tried to pop didn't. i really wish they'd sell it as 5 packs or singles, but i'm happy enough with faster finishing but very similar smoking C99.

the last i knew, KM had the record for most cannabis cups (or was it super silver haze?) either way, it so beat the crap out of everything else i'd been pissed with for over a decade that i offered $120 for an eigth of it. getting high is my favorite thing in life.
I love the style of this thread. The evil-indica paranoia from hazey is palpable, lol.

The only strains I've grown which are close to full sativas are Serious Seeds Kali Mist, G13 Labs Chocolope, and Subcool's JTR. Out of those three, Kali Mist seemed to best match the various descriptors. The high was exciting, thought provoking, and didn't make me feel tired or groggy in any way. My friends that smoked it seemed to think the buzz wasn't powerful, and I associated that with the lack of "stone" from indica genetics.

I am not an old school grower that's been around for the glory days of Columbian lids. To me it sounds like a bunch of people are chasing this dream of the Holy Grail sativa that might not actually exist. Is there really a strain that gets you "high" like being on psychedelics? Could it be that you're just remembering it differently due to the ravages of time and the jaded nature of getting older? I remember smoking for the first time and feeling absolutely out of this world. Excitement, deliriousness, I'm sure I was smoking some standard hybrid indica. Would I have died if I smoked some Columbian Gold and started tripping like wild. I just seems like in most cases that weed is just weed, no matter what you're working with.

Yes and no. Part of the experience was inexperience, but I know the other part was long flowering equatorial sativas grown in high intensity sunlight of tropics and mountains around equator. That bud does not pay more than hybrids and takes twice the time, why you do not see it today. In Colombia the most popular bud is hybrids from greenhouses like what we have. They prefer to have their ass kicked than soar like an eagle. If you grow out a sativa indoors you will not get that super trippy high, or if grown outdoors in US, with exception of high altitude(5000 feet or more) lower US. uv bulbs might help, I use fluorescents to add uv.

You can get high as fuck on today's weed, but the trippy effect is not as intense as the old imported sativas. For me the Colombian was not that trippy but was a soaring high, did not have much of it though to compare. The Mexican I had was more trippy and that was just some good commercial that would come through once in a while. Regs in today's speak. Keep in mind that if something was popular then stuff would get renamed to that if the dealer thought it would fly....

Panama, Michoacan, Acapulco, Oaxaca, Colombian, African, Jamaican, could have been any of them or none. Colombian did have a distinct flavor like incense, hard to fake.
do agree with you about the inspiration and the price and all.

but I do not agree that indicas are crap, I think they have their specific uses and are special in their own way. I do not think they inspire greed and evil either... I think they are great for pain and sleep... great for slow days.

and I love sativas and wish they were as dominant as indicas. but I do not believe indicas are some conspiracy.

^^ That's how I feel. Indicas were old Afghan stock that helped people through rough lives. No evil there, just wanted to chill and feel better. The opium too. A little numbing in a harsh land was a blessing. No doctors often, no ac or heat other than a fire. The evil happened when they sold it or after they sold it.

I use indica about 90% of the time, because a sativa is too much go go for late night relaxation. I have some pain and need insomnia relief. No I do not get that 'high' with it, but it is better than drinking booze, or pills etc. Sativa fell out of favor for many easy to understand reasons, no conspiracy needed.
I would try the Atomic Haze. It got me out of the world for a while and was my favorite haze smoke by far. I also loved Island sweet skunk it comes to you like a punch after a hit. I am an Indica lover as you can see that. I am very picky with my Sativas. Super Silver Haze, Island Sweet skunk, Trainwreck are my favorite Sativas that I have tried. Sorry can't say I have grown them.
Homebrewer: How long do you flower your Kali MIst for? I have heard so many flowering times for this strain to get the perfect buzz.
got all 3 going now:).....mozambique....mulanje....malawi...........very very fast growers.........and i topped the tops i already topped
preach it brother! preach it! you don't know how many trolls i've had to argue with in 2 forums before this one because i STARTED OUT smoking california grown columbian gold and INSTANTLY hated "never gets you anything close to high" indicas as soon as they invaded. my mantra is "get me high or fuck off & die!" and i've told probably a couple dozen dealers just that by now the second they give me a peep of drama over their $50 an EIGTH schwag when i was paying just $40 a QUARTER for gold one year before the invasion.

i get annoyed by people who refuse to acknowledge that in most markets, you can't find gear that gets you high ANYWHERE. in parts of NY, all you can get is variations on afghani! i'm talking shit is soooooooooo lame, you can't even find a decent mid like blueberry! the more trolls i argue with, the more pissed i get with indica's polluting every single corner of the weed universe and even after telling the story of how i stopped talking to a cousin i grew up with for bugging out and threatening me because i honestly told him i was not at all impressed with his same old same stony "sticky bud" when he honestly believed "all weed is exactly the same!" and didn't want to hear shit about how real gold smoked.

i hate the scene so much and ever speedbump mofo that defends it. it's all about greed. purveyors of indicrap are just out to make a fast buck with no real pride in their gear and i HAVE heard tell of cash crappers buying THEIR GEAR from BETTER growers in it for the love! what does THAT say about cash crapper strains when greedy fucks growing it are too high & mighty to smoke their own gear?! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!

if course, even when i try approaching the conspiracy from a different angle using FACTS, trolls still fight against getting high or anyone fighting back for it. that's what eventually led to my getting banned twice... sneaky peace of shit trolls playing power games. at overgrow, they baited and narked and at grasscity pulled up an old thread from before i changed my name (PUBLICALLY with the knowledge of a mod!) to get another mod to ban me for "having 2 accounts" when i told the 1st one to delete the one i didn't want.

oh shit... i'm getting all worked up again and even forgot my point! LOL i did a 1-5 survey with 1 being demands getting high, 2 = prefers it, 3 = likes both or a balanced buzz, 4 = prefers getting stoned & 5 demands to get stoned and #5 had the least votes with about a 5% total leaning towards the side of getting high with a solid 20% or so demanding it even after i spotted stoner bud 2 half points! if statistically, the demand for getting high is slightly MORE than stoned, then why can you spend thousands of dollars and 25 years plus on greedy fucks that NEVER GET YOU HIGH EVER?

i swear there's a satanic conspiracy of greed from the street peddlers funding their pimped out rides on our money all the way up to the corporate slime at anhauser busch, philip morris & pharmaceuticals etc. that don't want anyone to get high and just be stoned fucking robots. what happened when weed got you high? hippies saw through the corporate shell game and how fugly the culture it vomits on the masses is, dropped out, found jesus and lived on communes.

to me, indicas are the work of the red one. they're purpose is to blind you and make you too apathetic to just enjoy a nice sunny day. their purpose is to keep you so dissatisfied with life you keep buying crap to fill the hole in your life cause by a culture detached from being a decent empathetic person. MAYBE... the descriptions of heaven are REALLY god travelling forward in time to try and steer people towards getting high and being hippies. getting stoned turns you into lead and we all know what happens when you go down. LOL

getting high is simply THE enemy of the greedy corporate dragon that MUST be slain to save this planet. i'm not just talking about the medicinal, recreational & thought/action provoking qualities either. hemp fibers are stronger than timber and something like 20x more renewable with the side benefit of enriching the soil with nitrogen, but the evil one want to drive the world into oblivion through greed and destruction.

it's nice to be here and see i'm not the only one who not only grasps the situation, but that cares enough to stand up and do whatever i can in my little part of the world.

why is mandala's gear so righteous and his prices so nice? he's OLD SCHOOL and in it for the love! we need more of that to turn the evil empire around and drive it into the sea it polluted with BP oil.

yes... i've got issues.

i'd have a lot fewer if i were able to ever fucking get high again!

LOL. Looks like someone already dipped in the pure sativa stash. Some seriously mind bended crazy rant up there! ^
I love the style of this thread. The evil-indica paranoia from hazey is palpable, lol.

The only strains I've grown which are close to full sativas are Serious Seeds Kali Mist, G13 Labs Chocolope, and Subcool's JTR. Out of those three, Kali Mist seemed to best match the various descriptors. The high was exciting, thought provoking, and didn't make me feel tired or groggy in any way. My friends that smoked it seemed to think the buzz wasn't powerful, and I associated that with the lack of "stone" from indica genetics.

I am not an old school grower that's been around for the glory days of Columbian lids. To me it sounds like a bunch of people are chasing this dream of the Holy Grail sativa that might not actually exist. Is there really a strain that gets you "high" like being on psychedelics? Could it be that you're just remembering it differently due to the ravages of time and the jaded nature of getting older? I remember smoking for the first time and feeling absolutely out of this world. Excitement, deliriousness, I'm sure I was smoking some standard hybrid indica. Would I have died if I smoked some Columbian Gold and started tripping like wild. I just seems like in most cases that weed is just weed, no matter what you're working with.

+1 Kinda sounds like they're looking for shrooms, not herb. Or Peyote.
I don't think they're imagining things..

it's one thing when you only hear a story like that once in a while...

but when half the major pot heads from the 70s are still wondering where the fuck that epic sativa went... you gotta really rethink that mentality... I think the epic shit IS out there still, I think it's just hard as fuck for us to get in the US because of lack of seedbank interest (profit...)

If not for profit, there wouldn't be seedbanks at all.
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