Where are the crystals on my Big Bud????


Active Member
Ok so I have gone through the stages... I got the seeds, i grew them big enough to cut some clones... I put the clones under 12/12.... I found the females... I killed the males... I cut more clones... I put 13 clones under 2 400 watt HPS lamps... I have proper ventilation.... I keep the temp around 80.... Now I am 23 days into flowering and the plants have buds... They are budding... But the have absolutely positively 0 resin or crystals at all anywhere to be seen... WTF?

I have a couple of white rhino clones that have been in the same amount of time and they are producing crystals and resin...

But the big bud, nothing... They look like badass budding marijuana plants with 0 freaking crystals... Someone please help me, I am so frustrated that it is not even funny... Please tell me I did not go through all this work for nothing...

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Also I have noticed that a few of the plants have a couple of red hairs on some on the buds, not many, but just one or 2 here and there???? Is this normal? Someone please help asap!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
smoke out and relax. different strains show crystals at different times and 3 weeks is pretty early. trust the genetics, there are plenty of microscopic trichomes forming right now.


Well-Known Member
everything you described sounds like complete normal situation, trichs will appear, don't worry, hairs will turn red, don't worry.


Active Member
any idea why the big bud plants are showing a couple of red hairs this early on????

Thanks for the info on the trichromes... I was literally about to lose it when i left the house this morning and saw the crystals and the rhino but 0 on the big bud...


Active Member
The strain is big bud...

There are not a lot of red hairs just a few here and there throughout the plants... It just seems really early for any red hairs at all to be appearing... that is what is worrying me... is this common at all??????


Well-Known Member
sorry, what i should have said is i am not familiar with the strain so i would be guessing if i answered.


Active Member
ok, gotcha... well thanks for all the help anyway...

is that normal (red hairs that early in) on any strains you have ever dealt with???


Well-Known Member
no, but i've only grown bagseed and a couple of designer strains - white widow and carmelicious


Well-Known Member
Red hairs are normal for Big Bud but you should have crystals too if your hairs are already turning red. Check out my threads if you want to see what Big Bud can look like. Why don't you post some pics so we can see how she looks?

ok, gotcha... well thanks for all the help anyway...

is that normal (red hairs that early in) on any strains you have ever dealt with???


Well-Known Member
Big Bud is designed for one thing, cropping out large heavy buds. It never is or was the stoniest weed but it's pretty decent.
You probably won't want to run it again unless you're slinging dope however like others said the trichomes will come, just won't be as many as better strains.
Ignore the red hairs, doesn't matter, perfectly normal.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
:finger: A lot of Indica strains dont show crystals like Sativas do. If it has more sativa in the strain you will see more crystals. If its mostly Indica You may see harldy any crystals but the smoke kicks your ass anyway. :fire:Sativa has more THC and Indicas have more Cannabinoids which produce the couchlock affect :sleep: but not the THC Crystals.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Here is some of the crystals on my Big Bud... maybe that will help you see what the potential is.:bigjoint:



Active Member
awesome, thanks so much for all of your help and quick responses... i was seriously worried but i feel much better about the whole thing now... i will take some pics tonight and post them tomorrow so you guys can help me out further and let me know what you think... the plants look good... they are a bit taller than i would have liked but i think there may be some stretch involved which i hope to get rid of next grow by placing the lights closer than i did this time around at the start... anyway they are all budding and healthy with no signs of stress or anything other than nice green leaves so i am keeping my fingers crossed... like i said, i'll post some pics tomorrow and see what you guys think from there!!!!! YOU GUYS RULE!!!!!


Well-Known Member
That's more crystals than on the big bug I'm used to msdsm39, can I ask what seed bank that is from?


Well-Known Member
Your fine hairs will start that soon, trichomes will form, dont get all worked up. Unless the plant is falling over dead youll be fine, your conditions sound good and the plant next to it is fine.


Active Member
Hey guys, here's my pics... Plants have been in flower for about 20-24 days... I did not mark the calendar but i have narrowed it down to this time frame... anyway... let me know what you think... if you have any questions, let me know...

The first pic is the one with the most red hairs but you cannot tell from the pic which is kind of annoying... These plants still have a good 5-7 weeks to go and i just dont understand them getting red this early on... some of the other plants i.e. the one with boba fet which is from another mother has 0 red hairs...
