Where are people on the political spectrum?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Non-Hierarchical Law Enforcement:

which leads to Non-Hierarchical Justice:

and Non-Hierarchical Funerals:

We can haz Non-Hierarchical Anarcho-Society pleeze.



None of those images represent horizontal associations. Indeed, race and class were important dynamics in the Zimmerman-Martin case... Next time try using your words like a big boy.


Well-Known Member
A doctor is an example of legitimate authority in the form of specialized knowledge. It is a voluntary association and I am free to ignore their advice or seek the opinion of another practitioner.

If you think that concentrated power is not problematic I would advise you to read some Foucault, Mills, Domhoff, Habermas, Gramsci... Gramsci seems especially relevant these days considering the course we are taking with regards to hegemonic domination.
You can read all these theories and think this and that is problematic. But, there is not a counter example.

Power concentrates, very similar to water flowing down hill. It just does. If you think about. All life is a temporary concentration of power. Put, two people together and the power concentrates. That's how we do stuff. Concentrated power.

Any other form, the un-real woo-woo, the anarchy or whatever will be abused and plowed under by hierarchy. We are organized, you are not.

One guy's Company run by employees or a communal milk farm will have concentrated power. It is the only way To think it can be otherwise you are just blowing good (I hope) smoke up your nose.

You can read till you are blue in the face and rant the theories. I have. Or you can face Now and have YOUR life. I did.


Well-Known Member
Good one. Right. Not a riot at all. A riot would have been more organized. :)

And it was fine example of the need for self protection.
I have never seen the cops panic like that.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
No that was chaos and martial law, not anarchy.
it totally was anarchy for a few minutes before The Man and his Hierarchical Monopoly On The Use Of Force put a stop to the glorious Anarcho-Looterism of the proletarians.

meanwhile, when the shit hit the fan in California it was Hierarchical Korean Interloper Shopkeepers and their "Assault Weapons" who enforced a premature end to the Anarcho-Looterism of their shops. because they're racist.

and when an Anarcho-Means-Of-Porduction-Liberationist broke into my former Oppressive capitalist Boss's barn and tried to "collectivize" his cherry '55 chevy Bel-Aire coupe, it was his Hierarchical Shotgun which restrained the poor oppressed member of the Intellectual Vanguard until the Hierarchical Forces Of Reactionary Bourgeois Oppression carted his ass back to the incarceration from which he had only recently been Liberated.

when a crackhead breaks into your property to steal your shit, a gun is your friend. in your proposed Anarcho-Kleptocracy nobody would have shit, since as soon as you acquired anything some asshole would steal it from you.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
None of those images represent horizontal associations. Indeed, race and class were important dynamics in the Zimmerman-Martin case... Next time try using your words like a big boy.
I would argue that Trayvon Martin, and most of The Humongous' associates became quite horizontal as a result of their encounters with Zimmie and the Road Warrior's Non-Hierarchical Association.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
You're using a purist's view of each ideology. The fact is there are different interpretations and subsections of every ideology out there.
"... while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth." V for Vendetta

This is intentional obfuscation of language. When the meaning of words is arbitrary, just like ideologies, they lose all meaning.

Btw, I am a classic liberal. I used to say I was a Libertarian but I think the classic liberal definition suits me better, since the meaning of Libertarian is so often mistaken.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by canndo
How do you "protect the entire Constitution" with your gun? How do you preserve any of your rights with that gun in a civil society?
OK. There you go again. The 2nd Amendment is about the break down of civil society. An assault, home invasion, etc is the mico-break down, New Orleans was a mili-breakdown. And EMP over the USA, accidentally or on purpose, is the Break Down, itself. We the peps, will protect our Constitution in well regulated Militia. It is the 2nd A, turned into Responsibility of We.

When polite society break down....get it? No wonder you aren't making any sense. You aren't on the same page at all.

This is the stupidity that so busts the balls of the numb-nuts. You simply don't know what you are talking about. Polite Society? In the Ivory Tower of your mind, YOU don't need a gun.

This society is sometimes not so polite. Mostly due to you numb-nuts.


Well-Known Member
With this, you've highlighted the Achilles' heel of any social system that seeks to reduce and distribute the exercise of power: it counts on the other guy having the quality you've linked. I won't annoy you by using the adjective you know I'm thinking right now. cn
Continually challenge all authority.


Ursus marijanus
Continually challenge all authority.
Is this a valuable principle? What does it accomplish? How does it redeem the foreseeable consequence of continual challenge stagnating the system by shutting down its capacity to function?

Is there any difference between that directive and "if you see a sand castle ... kick it!"? cn