where and what neuts?


Active Member
First timer here and I am 10 days into a grow and everything is going great(I will take some pics probably) and I am wondering what and where can I get neuts because I want my yield to be good. Can I just get bloom neuts and benefit or would it be pointless without the other neuts as well? I am lost when it comes to neuts all I know is MG is a no no lol Right now they are in soil with no added neuts and CFL lights


Well-Known Member
Look for Foxfarm.... Grow....Bloom....and tigerbloom....you will have good resalts with these....there is even a feeding scedual on there website...just search google..
you should be able to find foxfarms localy (wallmart, garden stores, hardwhere stores)

foxfarm makes good soil too



Well-Known Member
yes actualy... i was asuming u were looking for something local.... listen to other dude if u can order online


Well-Known Member
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Dont listen to last poster AT ALL...MIRACAL GROW = BADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD........if u can only go local get fox farms its 10000X better then miracle grow...if u have the option to order online ive heard good things about hesi i think its called thats what the other poster suggested too...


Well-Known Member
Look for Foxfarm.... Grow....Bloom....and tigerbloom....you will have good resalts with these....there is even a feeding scedual on there website...just search google..
you should be able to find foxfarms localy (wallmart, garden stores, hardwhere stores)
You find me a WalMart that sells FoxFarms products and I'll fly to your house first-class just to lick the bottoms of your shoes.


Well-Known Member
I think its funny all the people that say not to ever touch MG products, I know they are not the best but if you use them correctly they will work. I use some of their organic stuff and it works just fine, I have used some of there chemical stuff and if used in very small amounts it works fine too. I know plents of old growers that have used MG products for years with good results. I know there are plenty of better nutes out there and I myself prefer organic stuff, but everyone that says MG will just kill your plants either has never used it or never used it correctly.