I know enough. Lets see them results from your cloudy water. then end the discussion.
haha Go scroll back a few posts. those are facts. came from wikipedia, not my test results.....but nonetheless FACTS. Give me one reason I should go in my office, find the water test results, scan them, and upload them to here? Just so I can further prove you wrong? Enough is provided to show that you are wrong already. Why would I go to such lengths to satisfy you? All you need to do is look it up for yourself......oxygen alone does not make my water cloudy.
Fresno i have a lot of respect for you so dont get offended when i say youre wrong my dude.
1. I never said the pipes magically create bubbles, its the pressure from the pipes pushing air out when the tap is used..some escapes and the rest is absorbed by the water when the tap is opened at first, creating the cloudiness...eventually it subsides when the tap is open for a bit....also it is less prominent in a household sink where pressure is lower than in a powerful water hose tap outside (which explains ur brothers clear water, i seriously doubt you check his tap very often)
2. Never heard of minerals creating gasses in water?? If this was true (which it isn't) we wouldnt need to carbonate mineral water manually or my drinking water with minerals added for taste would do the same thing when i first opened the bottle or shook it...same for the tap water; let it sit in a bottle for a bit then shake it. Guaranteed no cloudiness will form again, i do this daily.....bottom line minerals do not create gasses, it can only bond with certain ones like oxygen
3. Wikipedia is not a credible source, my professors would laugh in my face and fail me if i cited wikipedia... those "facts" you gave us could be changed by me right now if i really wanted to....here are some credible sources and what they have to say
i. Why is my drinking water discolored? (See various descriptions listed below)
White or cloudy water: The cloudiness in your water may be caused by tiny air bubbles. This occurs when air is under pressure in your water pipes, much like carbon dioxide in a bottle of soda. When you turn on your tap, the pressure is released, allowing the bubbles to appear, just as removing the cap from a soda bottle causes the soda to fizz. The rate and degree to which this occurs is directly related to water temperature and more so to temperature changes. This cloudiness occurs more often in winter when the drinking water is cold and the home, along with its plumbing is heated. If you allow a glass of water to stand for a few moments, the air bubbles will rise to the surface. This phenomenon is called entrained air and does not affect the quality of your water.
Source: http://www.amwater.com/njaw/ensuring-water-quality/water-quality-q-and-a.html
ii. Milky White or Cloudy Water
Milky white water, also commonly described as cloudy, hazy, soapy, or foamy, is almost always caused by air in the water. To see if the white color in the water is due to air, fill a clear glass with water and set it on the counter. Observe the glass of water for 2 or 3 minutes. If the white color is due to air, the water will begin to clear at the bottom of the glass first and then gradually will clear all the way to the top. This is a natural phenomenon and is caused by dissolved air in the water that is released when the faucet is opened. When you relieve the pressure by opening the faucet and filling your glass with water, the air is now free to escape from the water, giving it a milky appearance for a few minutes. If your water is cloudy or milky white in appearance and it does not clear in a glass after 5 minutes, if you are on public water system please contact the public water department in your city or town, or the MassDEP Drinking Water Program at your nearest regional MassDEP office. If the water is from your own well, please contact your local board of health. If you are outside Massachusetts, contact the drinking water program in your state.
Source: http://www.mass.gov/dep/water/drinking/color.htm
If its cloudy for any other reason you have bad water...you said ur waters just fine...guaranteed its air from the pressure in your pipes, not mineral gasses (no such thing)...if you can provide a credible source that proves me wrong i'd be happy to change my.mind