When you're at the local grow store...


When being helped by grow store personel, what do you tell them you are growing and have it not look like complete bs?

Im just curious since when asking questions about a product in the store, im sure the question may come up.


Well-Known Member
They won't ask, because they already know. If they do tell them tomatoes or to mind their own damn business. Usually takes care of it.


Dont worry...they probly wont ask...you're not the 1st guy that might look a little iffy that walks in there...and not the last for sure.
I bought a Sun System 150w HPS in a hydro shop and some mylar and the guy never even blinked.
And believe me...a look more then a little iffy :-o


Active Member
At the grow store they used to have here they know your growing marijuana, you just don't come right out and be blatant about it and neither do they. Its just kind of implied.

They obviously know what your growing, man. They sold High Times and shit in there, but they don't sell any tomato magazines...

But you can say your growing a tomato plant if you want, because I don't know if all hydro stores are like the one I've been to.

Schar BK

Without people growing pot there would be no real sustainable business for hydroshops. We are scratching each others backs in a very sexy manner.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the Hydro store way too much and I see you guys coming in all sketchy and sweaty. Relax a bit. As long as you don't say anything about Uncle Herb or Auntie Mary you'll be more than welcome by the guys behind the counter. All they care about is peeling as many benjamins from you they can.

I've said it before and I'll say it again,,,,,,,

I'm at the wrong end of this business if my plans were to become wealthier.

Make a list. Research the hell out of what you need. Stick to the list and blow that dough.

I buy from one source and after years of spending I now enjoy some really sweet pricing.
Anything breaks or takes a dump, they replace it the same day.

Speaking of the Hydro store, I'm thinking some more raptors and lumateks to brighten up the labs a bit.

Stand the frick by, bb's going on a binge!

Time to put that middle runner to use.



Active Member
where im from, our dro store sells seeds aswell! same with our headshops (bong shops). they all carry seeds. ofcourse its a rip off 5 seeds of fem White Widdow for $105. when I can get 10 fem White widdow for $80 from a seedbank about 100km away from me. or like 60miles.


Well-Known Member
Everyone in the store I go to is growing marijauana, I assumed so at least, I've been very open about it. I told them i have a plant and explained what I needed. He said they offer growing classes and that I should attend. I will probably go later in the month. I could use some help! The store I go to does not sell seeds or clippings but the dispensary down the street does. There are probably 20 dispensaries within 2 miles of here.