When your high do you laugh more then normal?

Purp Farmer

Active Member
Like the title says.
When my friends get high they'll start laughing at something not that funny and they always say it's uncontrollable.

I've been smoking with mary jane for about 2 years, even tho me my friends tolerance to weed are about the same (Very low atm because we both work all the time so we went sober for a month because of the job we have, and now we've been smoking like a joint every night together.)
But when we get high we just chill and talk a do fun shit, like hiking or biking or something adventurous.
But i see my other friends and they'll smoke like .5 joint of swhag weed between like 4 of them and they're "baked" as they explain it and look/act like idiots.

I say they're just acting high and my friend i smoke with all the time agree's with me also.


Well-Known Member
it depends. if I'm with a friend or a group of friends, I'll laugh at almost anything. we all do usually. lots of fun, but if I'm all by my lonesome smoking then I rarely ever laugh. I laugh sometimes, but at probably at some stupid joke or something that isn't even supposed to be remotely funny in the movie I'm watching. I laugh a lot sober though, but more like chuckling to myself. that's because I'm nervous or shy most of the time. weird habit.


Well-Known Member
I've become more cheerful and talkative since smoking I've noticed. I used to be the creep, but now I'm "that chill guy" hahaha.


Well-Known Member
it does, but when you try to talk to people they just kinda look at you like "wtf are you doing!?" and such. I still have the nice air of mild fear though.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that marijuana makes people laugh. I think that it lets them.
That is some heavy shit...

I laugh a lot more frequently and a lot more deeply. I laugh a lot during funny movies and rewind funny parts over and over again when I normally would chuckle at a few jokes and watch the movie straight through.

I don't giggle uncontrollably like I have seen a lot of people do, but if something is funny to me I will let out a big belly laugh.

I love being high with old friends and telling funny ass stories and just rollin.


Active Member
Marijuana is both a phsycadellic drug and a physical drug. What this means is that some of the symptoms are experienced by everyone, you all know them :)

the psychadellic symptoms are more subtle and you tend not to notice them unless you look for them. In that way marijuana only lives up tho the expectations that you have for it.

I noticed when I started smoking that I laughed a lot, but then that's what I thought pot smokers did. When I started learning more about it, especially the medicinal qualities I started to be more able to control my high. When I wanted to be stoned and laugh at stupid shit that's what I did. When I wanted to study MJ enhanced my concentration, when I wanted to wanted to be high on life and all the beautiful shit around me that's what I did.

So if you laugh a lot when stoned, that's because you expect to laugh a lot and marijuana enhances that feeling.

Especially when you don't overshoot it and smoke way to much, it's very easy to controll the way MJ works on your brain.