When would the cycle turn to 12/12 When growing outside


Active Member
I am trying to get some out door plants going I am in Seattle. So I was just wondering the date you would consider it 12/12


Well-Known Member
go to almanac.com and type in your location and try around september for the date it goes 12/12


Well-Known Member
I am trying to get some out door plants going I am in Seattle. So I was just wondering the date you would consider it 12/12
Such a good question. Thery're are two solstices (longest and shortest day ofthe year) Yule (December21-22) being the shortest, and June 22 Summer solstice (longest day).

The days and nights are equal on the equinox. The next equinox is the Autumn equinox on October 15, which is when the days and night are of equal length.

It's all downhill from there until December 21 when you go back to the shortest day. Many blessings on your crop


Active Member
MAN! This is why I love this site Thank for the help and quick responses. The reason I am looking I am an indoor grower and I am starting some seeds for outdoor and thought I would get them going in my 12/12 chamber to get them big enough and strong enough for the Seattle weather.


Well-Known Member
most will start to flower about mid august
some indicas are sooner while most sativas might take longer


Well-Known Member
MAN! This is why I love this site Thank for the help and quick responses. The reason I am looking I am an indoor grower and I am starting some seeds for outdoor and thought I would get them going in my 12/12 chamber to get them big enough and strong enough for the Seattle weather.
Hi I am an outside grower up in the California high desert. This is my second grow. I grew two beautiful ladies in really big pots, last year. Started them in the house on the windowsill, transplanted into bigger and bigger pots when needed and took a lot of work and forever to harden them off to the sun, wind and heat.

We have high temps, direct intense sunlight and harsh winds. This year I pretty much started out the same, and ended up with 20+ plants that needed me to protect and gradually harden off to the weather. Welll, I've learned my lesson. I started putting them directly into the wind and sun immediately after germinating. Wow! they grow so fast and strong, it's like giving them some really good kind of miracle. My inside growing friends laugh at how I put my babies out in the sun and wind,but it really does seem to make them awfully happy and since they are going to return the favor 10 fold, I say what the heck. Enjoy you grows. Let me know how your outside crop does. :joint::bigjoint::weed:

