When will we get past the insanity?


Asshole Patrol
So, this could probably be written off as some off the wall stoner thoughts, but I figured I would see what everyone's thoughts were on the subject...

I think its great that America, and the world for that matter, is beginning to break down the whole proverbial wall regarding women and minorities in power/political positions. Just having a black man and a woman running for the presidency is a great statement (not that I back either one of them...).

My question is; When are we going to get past the whole religious barrier? Will there every be a president or group of officials in the world that step up and announce that religion is not needed to govern a body of people? Will that body of people ever come to the reasoning that their beliefs are simply their own personal beliefs and that they dont necessarily make another person's right or wrong?

I've never been huge on the whole religion thing, but I do understand that everyone has their own set of beliefs and that each person has the right to them. I've just always had a hard time understanding how anyone can be so wrapped up in their own system of beliefs that they do not see how damaging it can be to the world around them...

To each his own I guess... :confused:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I don't know if this is similar to what you are saying but I don't understand the whole race issue thing. If you look at the Barry Bonds steroid shit that is going on, ESPN has statistics about the % of black people that think he should be in the hall of fame as to the % of white people. This type of shit saddens me because I hate hearing (mostly blacks) crying the race issue....Why would ESPN have statistics like that, who the hell asked for them to seperate blacks form whites....It just seems to me it is shit like that that keeps the race issue going on and on. I mean seriously, I dont understand where they just decide to go and say ask 100 white men and compare the answers to 100 black men. Race imo should be a dead issue nowadays, at least for me it is, and then you see shit like this and wonder how it even went that far....Who is the one making a big deal about race?


Active Member
Great post Schmidty, I really don't understand why people can't get past their differences. And differences are fine but it always leads to personal attacks...

Something tells me though that some people just can't let go of their animosity.

Accept diversity. please.



Asshole Patrol
I keep an optimistic view that as all the older generations (baby boomers here in America) move out of the work force, and the younger generations move into their seats we will gradually see improvements in accepting everyone regardless of their physical and spiritual/religious differences. Even then, I still wont expect any world-stuttering movements or changes until even the millennial generation (25 and younger) starts taking seats in the upper work force and power positions.

We shall see though... Only time may tell.


New Member
I keep an optimistic view that as all the older generations (baby boomers here in America) move out of the work force, and the younger generations move into their seats we will gradually see improvements in accepting everyone regardless of their physical and spiritual/religious differences. Even then, I still wont expect any world-stuttering movements or changes until even the millennial generation (25 and younger) starts taking seats in the upper work force and power positions.

We shall see though... Only time may tell.
It's been that way time since the beginning of time, the youth will move into responsible positions and change things. What really changes is the youth. The hippies of the 60s that were going to change the world have fucked it up even more than their predecessors, the 20 somethings of today will undoubtably do the same. As their power increases, so does all the inherent evilness of their positions, Ultimate power breeds ultimate corruption. There is only one solution to the problems of mankind, divine intervention, otherwise man will destroy himself.


Well-Known Member
i'm just curious.. if it's all advanced and sophisticated that we have women in power and the importance of color is fading today, is it going to be an even more significant accomplishment when we make it possible for men to have babies? will it be better when we can no longer say that black people tend to have greater physical endurance than western Europeans, on average? will it be a better day when we can say that Asians do not score higher on math tests than people of Latino heritage? is our world going to be a better place when the Irish are less apt to pen beautiful poetry or the Germans less able to craft precise metal parts? do we need to trade the talents that Indians have with programming for the philosophical depth of the French before we have peace? are the Italians supposed to surrender their wonderful gift for visual art and take up the spiritual gifts of Native Americans instead?

what if those days never come, are we to be perpetually self-loathing about factual generalizations such as these? they are after all nothing more than generalizations - exceptions abound.

when did diversity become a liability and who is responsible for this? i am glad people are different and i dread to imagine a day when there is no more than one thread in the tapestry that is being human...

while i agree that it's nice to see diversity in the presidential run, i don't think it has much merit when the diversity is so shallow as to meet a politically prescribed need. much like Al Sharpton's presence on a debate stage - he's just a place holder, no one takes him seriously. it's almost an "affirmative action" sort of thing. Obama hasn't got enough experience to be effective yet he has Oprah, or does she have him?? Hillary is a positionless, spineless liar - and she even submitted herself to the unfaithful woes of her husband; does NOW know about this?



New Member
i'm just curious.. if it's all advanced and sophisticated that we have women in power and the importance of color is fading today, is it going to be an even more significant accomplishment when we make it possible for men to have babies? will it be better when we can no longer say that black people tend to have greater physical endurance than western Europeans, on average? will it be a better day when we can say that Asians do not score higher on math tests than people of Latino heritage? is our world going to be a better place when the Irish are less apt to pen beautiful poetry or the Germans less able to craft precise metal parts? do we need to trade the talents that Indians have with programming for the philosophical depth of the French before we have peace? are the Italians supposed to surrender their wonderful gift for visual art and take up the spiritual gifts of Native Americans instead?

what if those days never come, are we to be perpetually self-loathing about factual generalizations such as these? they are after all nothing more than generalizations - exceptions abound.

when did diversity become a liability and who is responsible for this? i am glad people are different and i dread to imagine a day when there is no more than one thread in the tapestry that is being human...

while i agree that it's nice to see diversity in the presidential run, i don't think it has much merit when the diversity is so shallow as to meet a politically prescribed need. much like Al Sharpton's presence on a debate stage - he's just a place holder, no one takes him seriously. it's almost an "affirmative action" sort of thing. Obama hasn't got enough experience to be effective yet he has Oprah, or does she have him?? Hillary is a positionless, spineless liar - and she even submitted herself to the unfaithful woes of her husband; does NOW know about this?

Geeze 7X I've missed your pungent responses here for a few days, been on Vacation,~LOL~?


Well-Known Member
"What is the role of the established religions in the arising of the new consciousess? Many people are already aware of the difference between spiriituality and religion. They realize that having a belief system—a set of thoughts that you regard as the absolute truth—does not make you spiritual no matter what the nature of those beliefs is. In fact, the more you make your thoughts (beliefs) into your identity the more cut off you are from the spiritual dimension within yourself. Many “religious” people are stuck at that level. They equate the truth with thought, and as they are completely identified with thought (their mind), they claim to be in sole possession of the truth in an unconscious attempt to protect their identity. They dont realize the limitations of thought. Unless you believe (think) exactly as they do, you are wrong in their eyes, and in the not-too-distant past, they would have felt justified in killing you for that." - Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth


New Member
"What is the role of the established religions in the arising of the new consciousess? Many people are already aware of the difference between spiriituality and religion. They realize that having a belief system—a set of thoughts that you regard as the absolute truth—does not make you spiritual no matter what the nature of those beliefs is. In fact, the more you make your thoughts (beliefs) into your identity the more cut off you are from the spiritual dimension within yourself. Many “religious” people are stuck at that level. They equate the truth with thought, and as they are completely identified with thought (their mind), they claim to be in sole possession of the truth in an unconscious attempt to protect their identity. They dont realize the limitations of thought. Unless you believe (think) exactly as they do, you are wrong in their eyes, and in the not-too-distant past, they would have felt justified in killing you for that." - Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth
Geeze, and before I noticed the quote marks, I thought you postulated that little tidbit of wisdom, anyway good post.


Well-Known Member
Didn't mean to mislead you. But I felt that this paragraph provides an almost perfect answer to the Originator's question.

Religion provides a perfect framework for the ego to build upon.


Asshole Patrol
I couldn't agree more with the Eckhart Tolle quote.

I think the purpose of "organized religion" lost its meaning many many years ago to the political and power hungry. Did any of you watch the Showtime special last week, Fall From Grace. It was a documentary on Fred Phelps and his merry family of gay and lesbian haters, among other things. This is obviously an extremity, however I think its important to point out the fact that this type of ignorance lives on in many shapes and forms around the world.

I definitely see that the awareness is raising with regards to these types of ignorances, however I still wonder if its something we will see worked out in our lifetime? Will there be a day when race, gender, beliefs, sexual orientation and all other segregating factors are taken out of the equation?


New Member
I couldn't agree more with the Eckhart Tolle quote.

I think the purpose of "organized religion" lost its meaning many many years ago to the political and power hungry. Did any of you watch the Showtime special last week, Fall From Grace. It was a documentary on Fred Phelps and his merry family of gay and lesbian haters, among other things. This is obviously an extremity, however I think its important to point out the fact that this type of ignorance lives on in many shapes and forms around the world.

I definitely see that the awareness is raising with regards to these types of ignorances, however I still wonder if its something we will see worked out in our lifetime? Will there be a day when race, gender, beliefs, sexual orientation and all other segregating factors are taken out of the equation?
Hey now, take a look at a few of the Repuke contenders, Gays are an abomination, white is right, religion is the keystone to their beliefs, the Christian crusades are alive and well in the republican party.