When Will USA Fall?

When Will USA Fall?

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Well-Known Member
Fiscally there is nothing the Government can do, it is impossible to pay off the debt. Surely a credit downgrade would cause fully 100% of all government tax receipts to be used to just pay interest on the ever higher bond yield.


New Member
well the debt has been a long time building...and paying it off isn't as critical as going in the correct direction..... that is what is needed.


Active Member
This thread is informative. I really don't know shit about politics but what can we (average American taxpayer) do about it? I didnt vote for the fucking Obama but there he is "leading" our country. For the people that say the constitution will never go away I say it already has. The people that run for government are all greedy and don't care about the well-being of its nation but instead how fat they can make their bank account. Even if one seems like they are running for the right reason its nothing but a cover up. Like someone said earlier 1% of the people own 99% of the money, that looks like an easy solution to me. Just my 2 cents, please bare in mind I know little to nothing about politics and economics other then basic classes in college..


New Member
You can already see what the "average" American can do! Right now it is called the "tea" party. Completely average Americans are affecting the national political landscape in a POSITIVE way. You can join them....sign up...get involved...just like the saying...a penny saved is a penny earned...all those pennies add up!

Go for it... I have already joined...so should you. :peace:


New Member
I don't follow conspiracy thinking minded folks.... just plain old human activity is enough to F things up....
Most ppl can't agree on how to cook their dinner...let alone pull off mass conspiracies.


Active Member
You can already see what the "average" American can do! Right now it is called the "tea" party. Completely average Americans are affecting the national political landscape in a POSITIVE way. You can join them....sign up...get involved...just like the saying...a penny saved is a penny earned...all those pennies add up!

Go for it... I have already joined...so should you. :peace:
I agree, educate yourself on the issues and get involved...This is the responsability of "we the people".


Active Member
Well, i apologize for not reading all 14 pages, but hit up www.inforwars.com if you wanna learn something about whats truly going on. Our sovereignty is being given away basically. What one has to remember is that the STATES created the federal government. The feds only have the powers stated in the Constitution. Almost all fed. programs and agencies have no ground to stand on to force states to comply with fed. standards. This already went to the supreme court in 1997 in Printz v. United States, among other things (but was ignored by main stream media). State sovereignty could stop the feds from all the bull they are trying to pull. Guess it just depends on how you look at things. Oh, for those not in the know, Hillary Clinton just signed the small arms treaty/act with the UN? It in essence would "allow" the UN to restrict guns in the US. Now keep in mind it has to be ratified, but given that most of the politicians are just shitting all over the Constitution, it may not even get ratified. WTF is what can be said about that. Also, before anyone goes, oh your crazy, a conspiracy theorist, go do the research, read the treaties, bills, etc. Than say something. Seriously though people, educate yourself. hit up that infowars and check out the movies section. (u can see all the movies on youtube or just torrent them). And yes, we the people...that's key.


Active Member
Well when you can print all the money you want, why not just hand out bailouts to all these banks/insurance companys, and heck even other countries (greece). /sarcasm