When will the stretching stop!


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU I have a Chernobyl (from TGA) I popped her in flower 10 days ago, and as since has litterally gained 50% of her pre flower height! Will this upward expansion continue completely through harvest, or does the vertical growth slow eventually? Should I allow to get somewhat close to my light and completely remove the top (within the next week to force all the energy to lower branches?


Well-Known Member
when you lower your lights! lol idk how low your lights are to it right now since you have no pictures but they will always continue to grow but should slow down shortly after buds start to take


Well-Known Member
ah ok well its a 600 watt light and its literally a foot from the canopy lol this plant kept shooting up!
Yeah all strains are differant when it comes to switching to 12/12. I'm growing 9 big Buddha cheese in 5gallon tubs. I topped 4, super cropped 2 and left the other 3 alone to do some experimenting. The super cropped was the best choice when it came to flower bcoz It made so much more of the under growth grow and didn't stretch. The ones I topped grew to main stems but stretched like crazy. The ones I left alone have stretched a little but are a ok height to deal with. I'm now just into week 4 (flower) and they are starting to slow down to let buds fatten up. For future reference I recommend super cropping but do it 1-2 weeks b4 u flower.. That's just my 2 pennies..


definatly don't cut, as the above said tie her down. get some type of netting or fencing with squares and stretch over plants so you can bend and weave as also said above. deer fencing or volly ball netting works perfect. try to keep the top of plant a forearms (you finger tips to your elbow length away from light if possible to prevent it from burning