When Whales And Dolphins Can Talk?


Well-Known Member
This is not fictional hypothesis. As my grandfather says "It won't be long now said the monkey as he pulled his tail out from underneath the lawnmower."

Do you know what they will say?

"So long and thanks for all the fish!" has my wager. Maybe I'm just too stoned but I can see it happening and nueral interface technology isn't that far behind the successful research with psychedelic communication.

I'll bet they're crazy smarter than us and know a fuckton of shit that's gonna make us shit bricks.I'm willing to wager they know some crazy as technology that can fix all this (with a lot of work) and the real question of human survival is if we will shut the fuck up about religion long enough to listen to the people that taught us that amazing and powerful information that we've pissed on and obfuscated for our individual and collective egotism towards our own enslavement to rebuilding.

I'd submit to a dolphin queen or king before I'd swear allegiance to another human or whatever this arising silicone life form is or becomes.

it's always been my personal interpretation that Atlantis was a dream metaphor for the dolphin & whale kingdom.