When Trump Dies

Should Trump lie in state?

  • Outlook Good

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Reply Hazy Try Again

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Don't Fvcking Count On It

    Votes: 10 71.4%

  • Total voters
Yeah, it is creepy and it started being a thing emerging from the far right fever swamps a while ago. The debate between liberals and conservatives morphed from debating political philosophies and agreeing to disagree to patently ridiculous accusations that anyone not on the far right must be a bunch of child torturing, brain eating, satanic pedophiles. Should be easy to debunk because it so ludicrous but once people go down the rabbithole, they seem to be willing to believe any and all kids of conspiratorial nonsense.
Still pretty sure our current agitator Jimmy77 is a foreign troll just trying to stir shit up online though.

and social media is an agitator..regular media needs to use phrases like 'in tandem' 'in unison' NOT 'in lockstep'..sounds like we're taking on Nazi vocabulary with ease. Homeland Security? they were supposed to change that..i nominate Rainbowland Security the name itself would fvck with our enemies.

it's not just word of mouth doing this..having everyone having all this information, misinformation and disinformation at lightening speed?
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and social media is an agitator..regular media needs to use phrases like 'in tandem' 'in unison' NOT 'in lockstep'..sounds like we're taking on Nazi vocabulary with ease. Homeland Security? they were supposed to change that..i nominate Rainbowland Security the name itself would fvck with our enemies.

it's not just word of mouth doing this..having everyone having all this information, misinformation and disinformation at lightening speed?
I think you’re conflating lockstep and goose step. My high school physics texts invariably used the term “lockstep” to describe a laser’s photons. Laser light doesn’t only move in a thin beam, it’s wavefronts are aligned, like twenty thousand booted feet hitting the parade ground in ,well, unison.

So I argue that the word does not currently have a negative connotation, and I’d like it not to evolve one.

Tandem is something else again.

Homeland security does have a whiff of the Fatherland to it. I object not so much to the words but the implied authoritarian wedge the idea drives into our notionally open society.
tsk tsk. that's how they teach double negatives at Trump Univ. lol.

it's too bad he didn't keep his promise to never settle- which he did vow. he couldn't be president with that hanging over his head they told him he had to settle. and he did for $25M.

Trump is a loser..an an opportunist he saw all the riches he could get his hands on + he'd never leave..totally worth the $25M investment to get to that SS Trust Fund..one of his mistakes was he didn't announce the payroll tax cut until August 20th too late for MAGATS to understand. you have to hit them one year ahead and keep driving the idea in ralllies- he was too late and i think that is one component that saved us.
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I think you’re conflating lockstep and goose step. My high school physics texts invariably used the term “lockstep” to describe a laser’s photons. Laser light doesn’t only move in a thin beam, it’s wavefronts are aligned, like twenty thousand booted feet hitting the parade ground in ,well, unison.

So I argue that the word does not currently have a negative connotation, and I’d like it not to evolve one.

Tandem is something else again.

Homeland security does have a whiff of the Fatherland to it. I object not so much to the words but the implied authoritarian wedge the idea drives into our notionally open society.

well spoken and i agree:clap:

i never have hear of goose step and only lockstep.

you are correct goose step has no bend;lock step close together.
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Yeah, I mean, it's creepy how Republicans go on and on about pedophilia as if they think its a bad thing.

Then shit like this comes up. And even worse shit comes up that makes those photos of Trump groping his barely pubescent daughter seem tame. One of their media stars with connections up and down the list of Republican leaders was recently sentenced to 10 years for his own pedo crimes. The pedo porn they tell us he was into is hair raising and I won't even say what it was.

did i miss this or are you talking about Weinstein?