When to water

Alright guys, I'm a total noob. Starting off a li'l crop of my own. I was wondering if anyone can answer how often of watering my plants is too often. I have 8 plants growing in an area of 3 and 1/3 sq. ft. I have a small (not oscillating, boo, lol) fan with a CFL set-up giving off li'l under 2,500 lumens/ sq. ft. I'm mainly growing white widow, but adding some Buddha plants as they germ (they're slow bastards to germ). I only have one sprout that broke ground so far, on Day 3 of soil overall, but each one is staggered (one or two germinated seedlings planted per day). The ironic thing is that the one that sprouted is the only one not in a pot with a drainage set up. After I read of problems of overwatering, I'm now a little hesitant to water them. I was watering them every day, just enough so some water seeped through the bottom. I'm only on days 1-3 with all the plants in soil, but I want to make sure I don't make the mistake of watering them too much while they're seedlings. Should I make sure they're pretty moist the majority of the time (took a lot of moisture to germ)? I read about having them in a **** dome. . forget what it's called, some plastic to keep the local atmosphere humid. From my understanding, this isn't necessary, but an extra helpful step. They're in 4" pots, trying to do a mini SOG type of OP. I'm pretty much growing illegal medical marijuana (not in my state yet). From what I'm trying to do, I should have enough to last me for the majority of the winter, as long as i don't F*** it up early. Any help is appreciated. I'm kinda winging it as I go. To give you an example I was using incandescent light bulbs at first, lol. Trust me, I know the error of that now. LOL, guys, please, school me :peace:kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, I'm a total noob. Starting off a li'l crop of my own. I was wondering if anyone can answer how often of watering my plants is too often. I have 8 plants growing in an area of 3 and 1/3 sq. ft. I have a small (not oscillating, boo, lol) fan with a CFL set-up giving off li'l under 2,500 lumens/ sq. ft. I'm mainly growing white widow, but adding some Buddha plants as they germ (they're slow bastards to germ). I only have one sprout that broke ground so far, on Day 3 of soil overall, but each one is staggered (one or two germinated seedlings planted per day). The ironic thing is that the one that sprouted is the only one not in a pot with a drainage set up. After I read of problems of overwatering, I'm now a little hesitant to water them. I was watering them every day, just enough so some water seeped through the bottom. I'm only on days 1-3 with all the plants in soil, but I want to make sure I don't make the mistake of watering them too much while they're seedlings. Should I make sure they're pretty moist the majority of the time (took a lot of moisture to germ)? I read about having them in a **** dome. . forget what it's called, some plastic to keep the local atmosphere humid. From my understanding, this isn't necessary, but an extra helpful step. They're in 4" pots, trying to do a mini SOG type of OP. I'm pretty much growing illegal medical marijuana (not in my state yet). From what I'm trying to do, I should have enough to last me for the majority of the winter, as long as i don't F*** it up early. Any help is appreciated. I'm kinda winging it as I go. To give you an example I was using incandescent light bulbs at first, lol. Trust me, I know the error of that now. LOL, guys, please, school me :peace:kiss-ass
water when the soil is dry on the top about 2 inches deep or lightly water with 200ml of water 2-3 times a week if that
alright thx guys. . I guess I'm getting antsy since this is my first grow and i'm just looking at soil, lol. I'm trying to be patient, but my anticipation isn't helping, lol


Active Member
when they are small and in small pots wait until the soil is a very light brown on top then water and once your in bigger pots with more established plants wait until the top 2 or 3 inches is bone dry befor watering again!! Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Plants need watering once a week at most twice but wet the plant through when watering this will give you a far better root mass.You will find out through experiance that when the plant feels lighter,But if you water on a certain day every week this will keep you in good stead.By watering more than once a week you are doing no favours when it comes to flowering.A plant that is water every other day will become prematurely root bound.You want the plant to utilise the whole pot not just part of it.The bigger the root mass the bigger the yeild this is not just a saying.The only way plants will give realy big yeilds is if the plants are in some hydro system and the root mass can be allowed to flurish.


Well-Known Member
quick question so I dont make a new thread,.how much water should I give plants are 2 feet and pretty bushy,.i was reading this other thread about giving like 5 gallons per plant,.but that seems like a shitload

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
quick question so I dont make a new thread,.how much water should I give plants are 2 feet and pretty bushy,.i was reading this other thread about giving like 5 gallons per plant,.but that seems like a shitload
it depends on what size buckets. if in a 1,5,10 gallon size buckets.
did some one just give you these 2ft tall plants?
the water needs to be able to drain out of the bucket as well.
so if the top of the soil is dry(depth of dryness depends on size of bucket)
water them until the h2o leaches out of the bottom.


Well-Known Member
it depends on what size buckets. if in a 1,5,10 gallon size buckets.
did some one just give you these 2ft tall plants?
the water needs to be able to drain out of the bucket as well.
so if the top of the soil is dry(depth of dryness depends on size of bucket)
water them until the h2o leaches out of the bottom.
I have these growing outside so their in the ground, how do I know how much 2 give when their in tha ground

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
water them until the ground get saturated around the bottom, then don't water again until its very dry on the top.