If your still looking for some good information on molasses, check this out:
FYI, your PLANTS aren't going to absorb ANY sugar, and it has nothing to do w/ feeding your plant. Many peops have misinformed perspectives on molasses and carbohydrate supplements in general. Your plants don't absorb molasses, 'Sweet', or any complex organic molecules... they are too big and have to be broken down into usable components. Many individuals think that these additives will make your smoke 'sweeter', which couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, if you aren't utilizing a system that provides for beneficial biological organisms (ie, soil, organic hydro, etc.), all those carbs that your adding to your plants, in whatever way it may be, are just going to waste. Yes, your flushing your money down the drain if you don't have beneficial microbes in your 'medium'. The carbohydrates are FOOD for the MICROBES, which break down large organic molecules making it possible/easier for the plant to uptake nutrients. Molasses serves additional purposes as far as micro-nutrient supplementation, etc.... Its all in the link. HOpe this helps. Happy growing, dak
BTW, unless you know what your using the hydrogen peroxide for, be careful when applying. Hydrogen peroxide, as you already know, kills some bacteria, which includes some of your beneficial bacteria. I have limited experience w/ it, so thats as far as I'll go.