when to use bat quano,n' black strap mollasses,on soil grow,i'm using biobizz allmix


New Member
Can I use bat quano at very begin of grow wen I presoak my soil as it says on bottle helps accelerate root structure,also at the strart n' middle of flowering,also can I start using mollasses,in veg every other plain ph watering?or any recipee's for the tea's I've red about,trying to stay organic,any help or advice welcum,also I'm using biobizz allmix soil/nutes,any feed schedules welcum,only 1 grow under my belt,so still brand-new.


Well-Known Member
i would stay away from regular feedings of molasses. despite popular belief molasses is actually a bad additive for your soil..it fucks up the PH and provides little to no nutritional value.

molasses is great for use with a AACT (Active Airated Compost Tea) 1 tblspn per 5 gal is all you need. this provides essential sugars for benificial bacteria and microbes to grow and thrive. make sure you let your tea sit for a min of 48 hours so that the microbes have time to consume most of the molasses.

plants make thier own sugars...they dont need them in thier purest form as they cannot break a sugar down and then make it again..i too believed molasses was a great additive to my soil untill i threw my PH all out of wack and had a really hard time re adjusting it. with a soil grow adjusting PH is rather difficult. opposed to hydro a bit of PH up or down and you back in the game.

as far as the bat shit goes it can be pretty "hot" so be carefull adding it at early stages of the grow. there are 2 different kinds of bat shit too, high phosporus and hig nitrogen, the high P shit is for flower and the high N shit is for veg. again despite popular belief with a good soil most plants rarely need any added fertilizers during the entire veg period (unless your vegging out some monsters) and usually dont need much added fertilizers untill around week 3 of flower (flowering starts when you start seeing "clusters" of pistoles coming from the nodes)

unfortunatly there is a huge mis understanding with the world of canabis growing with fertilizers. 80% of the people on here think that you NEED to start giving food in the vegatative stage and continue giving food once a week after that...WRONG...plants do not eat as much as most of the people on here think they do...just because its canabis dosent mean they all have the "munchies"

learn to read your plants...when new growth starts coming out a lighter green then you know its time for a dose of grow formula..then during flowering stage it is pretty safe to say they probabally only need to be fed maybe 3-4 times in the entire 8-10 weeks. especially if your growing organic...organic growing your not feeding the plant, your feeding the soil wich in turn feeds your plant...it takes time for the life in the soil to break down all that organic matter...generally every 2 weeks a decent feed is good. make up your AACT and top dress with your guano, then feed with the tea.

if you want to be a 100% organic you should look into ammending your soils with everything the plant will need before you start the grow, if you do this correct then there will be no need to feed it at all during its entire life cycle, just water in a compost tea every 3-4 weeks and plain water for the rest of the grow.

dont let the nutrient buzzz get to you..less is more when it comes to plants. and with organic growing your soil should be feeding the plants not you.


Well-Known Member
well said. I can't really add anything.

Don't be a statistic. The beginner grower thinking more is better, adds some nutes to early, too strong, and lock out. Oh no, what's wrong with my plants, And some other beginner grower says it's a nutrient deficiency. So they add more nutes. lol, and the cycle continues.


Well-Known Member
yeah unfortunatly these formus are full of great info...also full of bullshit info from tweedle dumb who grew a plant once and is now a expert...

just remember less is more. and make sure the info your recieving here is valid...a canabis plant is just like every other plant..it has its likes and dislikes. canabis loves full sun (lots of high intensity light. it does NOT like water...its not a swamp plant..water it thouroghly and leave it alone for a while...the best method for watering is the pick up the pot test...you dont have to be a rocket scientist to pick up a pot and tell wether its nice and dry or still moist..soil is not heavy when it is dry.

the canabis plant also does not like alot of fluctiation in its root enviorment...everytime you add nutrients and all this other CRAP that they sell you your changing the enviorment of the root system....if the plant is nice and green and growing...it is happy and theres no need to change the soil biology....if its light green then it is hungry and its time to change the soil by adding nutrients.....the plant will only eat what it is capable of it is not a human at a chinese buffet...

do yourself a hige favor and go buy a intodutory text book to plant biology...best reference guide out there...fuck all these other "canabis" books. once you understand the processes a plant goes through to make food and grow on a biological level you will have a much better understanding of cultivating.