When To Turn Lights On for Seedlings


Well-Known Member
got some seeds in soil that have popped the surface and are about 1 inch tall when do i need to start putting light on
to them? 70-80f still a good temp to try stay within?


Active Member
If you see green put light on. when you see green the plant can take light in and grow if you have no ight no growth


Active Member
like he previous users said once you see a leaves or any sort of green then you need to put a light on it. I would suggest using a blue spectrum cfl 23w or bigger to start it of then you can move on to MH or HPS light


Well-Known Member
well one plant seems to be growing good startung another set of leaves and the other has been the same for a day now as it just has the colix leaves still why is that what have i done wrong?nothing else


Active Member
as soon as mine were done germaniting and in soil I went straight to the 600 w mh don't use hps that's best for flowering because of the red mine did fine too I even put them in too rich of soil and they're almost 2 feet tall a month later. Good temp range but if you've got any kind of thermometor you can tell the exact temp and seelings do best in 78 F, mine did hope this helps :)