when to trasnfer


They are two weeks old, 24/7 lights 4x 100watt CFL, 2 on each plant. 6 inch pot. How many more weeks until i should transfer to a its final pot. and what should light schedule be?
Picture 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
I don't know how fast that is growing, but I'd say 3 weeks.

You want to re-pot when it's root bound.


Well-Known Member
fill your pots all the way next time, your just wasting what could of been valuable root space. the size of the root system greatlly effects the size of the canopy. I'd transplant now, more root space is always a good thing. bury it so the bottom 2 leaves are about a 1/2 an inch above the soil level in the new pot.
24/0 is fine, to start flowering you will need to go to 12/12 unless you get an autoflowering strain.


Active Member
yea, although i grow different than you ie:(outdoors) you need the space this is the first season i have grown an i learned my leason of trans'in it stress's the plant and although it recovers you generally lose a good week of growing and that could = 8inch's of growth + so general idea is trans asap if u can because for every inch of growth u have above ground its easily 2-3inch's root growth below ground and it can stunt growth easy if u dont have room good luck!!! hope i was helpfull